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April 28, 2008

That Had To Suck

On my way to work this morning (I wanted to say en route, I just didn’t think I could start a paragraph with it) I was part of what is at least a weekly phenomenon for highway travelers. The instance when suddenly every car ahead of you, in every lane, must suddenly go from doing 65 to slamming their brakes, for no apparent reason. To make this morning’s occurrence even more special, a guy in the far left lane, hit his brakes and felt the need to move to the shoulder, in order to avoid slamming into the car ahead of him. And I saw him clip the cement divider, and sparks flew, but just as randomly as it began, it ended and everyone resumed their normal speed. But this poor bastard was left with some, what I assume is, significant damage to the driver-side of his car. That’s how he started his week. I saw him shaking his head, and I can only imagine the level of fury he must feel. Now he gets to go to work and tell his story, and then I’m guessing, he gets to tell his wife. So no matter how crappy this morning goes, at least I didn’t hit a cement wall.

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