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May 05, 2008

From the Hirp

Here is something I can not understand, why is Barak Obama catching all this crap for Reverend Wright’s statements, yet the church he’s associated with is being given a pass. We want to hold Obama responsible, on some level, for the way another man feels, yet the organization this man works for hasn’t been asked to do anything? What a crock of spit. Rev. Wright doesn’t speak for Obama, but he is a voice for the Church. But I guess if he’s building a 10,000 sq ft house as I heard he is, someone else is probably making even more money off this guy.

Is it in poor taste that the special edition DVD of Twister is coming out tomorrow? Will they edit out the tornadoes so the survivors of this past weeks twisters won’t be upset? Or is it just in bad taste to release such a piece of shit movie? Helen Hunt, what were you thinking? Flying cows, ‘nuff said.

Was there a more upsetting story in the news last week, than the revelation that Barbra Walters had an affair? I don’t care when it happened, that’s a visual our country doesn’t need. I will now jab thump tacks into my eyes.

What kind of odds is Vegas giving that Miley Cyrus ends up in rehab? Over or under 16? These girls get all the headlines for the situations they get in, but why isn’t more time spent looking at their parents? I have a much bigger issue with a father whoring out his kid than I do a 15 year old trying to be sexy. Billy Ray, Joe Simpson, Britney’s mom, and Lindsay Lohan’s mom all need to spend a few years in prison.

Get Showtime ordered now, and rent the DVDs so you’re all caught up. Californiacation season 2 and Weed’s season 4 are set to debut June 14th. Entourage is scheduled for a Sept 28th debut.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Will you release a video of you jamming thumb tacks into your eyes?