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May 29, 2008

From the Hirp

It’s happened for a second time, and it’s even more annoying this time. Downtown Lee’s Summit is this really great little area, there’s some fantastic houses that Coco and I love, some good food, and neat shops. We love the area, and would one day like to live down there. About a month ago one of the cooler houses had a “For Rent” sign out front. So we stopped and picked up the flyer, which really didn’t help us at all. Not because it lacked info or anything, but it actually sounded even better. Stainless steel appliances and hardwood floors, big pluses for us. And the rent was really pretty reasonable. But shit, we know getting the place is the wrong decision.

We passed on it, and it was the smart move. As much as it sucks, we’re wanting to save for a house of our own. How many more stories can there be about this being the time to buy? Well, sure it is, if you have the loot, which we don’t right now. And to be honest, I could have a little more job security. I’ll admit it, I’ve been careless with my money. Not just occasionally, pretty much from 18 to 30, I was a complete idiot. So now, as embarrassing as it is, we’re paying the price for my stupidity. And that sucks, because I’d love to get us in a house.

And that’s why renting one is so tempting. Sure it would delay us owning one, but at least we’d be in a house until then. Apartments are fine, and the single Hirp, preferred apartment or at least, condo living. But that’s not me anymore. The things I want have changed, and I want room so the kid can have friends over, and even we can have company over. But we can’t move the kid again, that just wouldn’t be fair to her. That’d be down right shitty to do to her.

So of course, as I was driving through downtown last night, one of the houses we like most had that “for rent” sign in the front lawn. That damn sign just stood there, mocking me, taunting me and making me feel like shit. I don’t need a sign for that, that’s what my friends do. Oh, but if we had a house, our friends could come mock me and taunt me in the comfort of my own home. Damn you sign, revenge will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine. It may come in the form of my car running you down, or it may not. But I will have my revenge, rven if it’s just taking the dog for a walk, and letting her piss all over the sign. Maybe I’ll do it myself.

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