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May 28, 2008

Tuesday Night Drama

By all appearances, it was just a typical Tuesday night, with a few subtle differences. There was no work Monday, so it kind of felt like a Monday night, and I had some work to do on a project. Nothing really out of the ordinary in any of that, except the whole me working story line. But then bed time came, which has been a big of an adventure the past few nights. The kid has been claiming to be pretty scared, and unable to go to sleep. It turns into a battle of wills, and we’ll never question how strong her will is. But there was a feeling that there was something more to her fears.

She claimed it was tornados, but it’s been about a month since we had to hide out in the shower while the sirens went off one night, and she hasn’t had trouble till now. Coco and I discussed the possibility that she’s actually scared or upset about school coming to an end, because she’s going to be going to summer school at a new school, and then next year, she’ll attend that new school. But she never mentioned it, and we were afraid to lead her down that path.

Then last night hit, and out came everything she thought. She wasn’t talking about being scared of any tornadoes, she was scared of change. She wanted to go back to when her mommy would lay with her every night until she drifted off to sleep. This happened back when Coco and I were only dating. She even went as far to say that I made her start going to bed without her mommy, and she just wants things to be like they were. And now everything has changed, and she doesn’t want anymore change. This is when I asked her if she’s worried about starting a new school, and she said yes.

For the most part, I don’t think this all came from her, and only her. I think there may have been some coaching from a third party, and to be honest, that blows. But I do believe, and understand, that the kid has seen some major changes in her life in the last 14 months or so. And it isn’t that she wants to undo those changes, she just doesn’t want to change schools. I can’t blame her; I hated changing schools, just as I still hate changing jobs. Change sucks for the most part.

But I would rather Jeff Gilluli take a whack at my knee with a crow-bar. I’d volunteer to have someone give me paper-cuts between my toes, stand in a pool of alcohol and have a donkey kick me in the nuts while watching Nascar in my very own Zubaz, than see this little girl so scared and upset. Just as I’m sure every good parent, feels the same way. And if you think, well, some parents actually enjoy Nascar and Zubaz (can you have one without the other?), remember that I specifically said “good parents” for a reason.

She'll be fine, there's more change coming this weekend. But she'll be happy about the new addition to the fam...not THAT kind. We're looking to get a dog, and hope to get her Sunday.

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