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March 18, 2008

Lil Bit of This, Lil Bit of That

It’s a good thing the writers strike is over, I had been reduced to actually watching “Scott Baio is 46 and Pregnant” and “High School Reunion” and I even liked them a little bit. But last night marked the return of two dependable shows “2 and ½” and “How I Met Your Mother,” so the great reality crisis of ’08 is over and the damage was minimal.

The Scott Baio show turned out to be not only watch-able, but somewhat enjoyable. Okay, I liked it. Bite me. The guy might not have a lick of talent, and the fact that he doesn’t have any talent makes his transformations believable. Have a life long bachelor, who spent most of his adult years getting tail because girls had crushes on him when they were just hitting puberty. Now he’s getting married and having a kid, freaking out is the only logical response (for him, I’m talking about him, Scott Baio, not Hirp. My calm is calmer than your calm. Your excited owes my excited $20) Seriously, Baio never grew up, and never apologized for it. Now he’s totally and completely turning his life upside down. Basically, he’s like a real life Joey Tribiani. I like it, damnit, and I’m not (that) ashamed to admit it.

Over the weekend I introduced the kid to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” I know, you almost called child services when you read a sentence that stated I introduced a young kid to Michael Jackson, but stay with me. She’s a big fan, as is her mother, of the movie 13 Going On 30, and there’s a scene in the flick where there’s a lame party that suddenly makes the jump to “the party” when the Thriller dance is introduced. So she knew some of the dance and the song, and I felt it was time to show her the real thing. Gotta keep it real and kick it old school, that’s just how I roll. What I didn’t consider is just how scary it could be for a 6 year old. Luckily the special effects back then were so bad, she really didn’t notice.

Best question of that afternoon, was asking if Jackson would turn back to himself after becoming the werewolf. No, he turned into a white man. And according to Obama’s pastor, there’s not much scarier than a white man.

That whole thing is ridiculous. (nice transition, huh? Yeah, I got skills.) Did his Pastor say some stupid shit? Sure. Does that make it inaccurate? No, not at all. And if he’s going to catch so much shit for what his religious leader believes, well let’s just keep in mind just how much weight the religious right carries with the Republican Party. They tend to make some pretty harsh comments that are about can divide a room quicker than a silent but deadly fart.

Obama just started his speech on race, and unfortunetly I can’t watch it. But this is a huge opportunity for him. No one is going to disagree with him, and there’s no way Hillary gets to give a speech on race. Race is a touchy topic, but for all the wrong reasons. Everyone holds their breath when it comes up, and goes into shock just because it comes up. Geraldine Ferraro gets headlines for saying that race has played a role in Obama’s campaign, and you know what? No shit. So now we’re in some racially charged debate. But didn’t race play a role in every other election? Does George W get elected if he’s Hispanic? Does Bill Clinton get the job if he’s Muslim? Does Ronald Regan become President if he looks like Bill Cosby? Hell to the no! Race, religion, sex and class play a role in every single issue, every single second of every single day. That doesn’t make things unfair or wrong, although it can, but ignoring this fact helps make it an issue. Being equal doesn’t mean being the same. If you have a ton of feathers, it might weigh the same as a ton of bricks, but they aren’t the same, and you wouldn’t say they are.

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