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April 24, 2008

Hirp Control

So I hear that the Governor of Kansas has signed off on a bill that makes it legal to own fully automatic machine guns, sawed off shot guns and silencers. Now, I’m pretty much in favor of gun control, because I really don’t think we need to worry about the Red Coats anymore. And I’m pretty sure the majority of guns used in crimes, were at one time, purchased legally. But that being said, who the hell needs a fully automatic? What useful purpose does a sawed off serve? And other than hit men, who would want a silencer? Reminds me of a line from a De La Soul song, goes something like this: "gun control in my land, means using both hands."

I have friends who won’t live in Missouri because they feel that strongly about the KU-MU rivalry and I can almost respect that. I just think if you’re going to take such a strong stance, you can do so for something a little more serious. Just move over to Lee’s Summit, sure we have more pick ups than BMW’s, but the margins are shrinking. Other than that National Title, what else has Kansas been in the news for in the past few years? Not teaching evolution, Ron Phelps, sex scandal, “High School Confidential” (which I need to watch I’m told by Red, because it takes place at our alma mater) and now a Kansan resident can have a full arsenal of guns. That’s just greeeaaaat. My cousin in California loved the KU-MU rivalry so much; he purchased one of the “Keeping America Safe from Missouri since 1863” tee shirts. But I’m pretty sure we don’t need weapons to keep America safe from Missouri anymore.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

Why are you so hung-up on what city and state people live in?