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September 18, 2008


To pee or not to pee, that is the question. Where you stand, that’s the issue. The wife and I debated the pro’s, the cons, the joys and the disgust of peeing in the shower. For the record, my stream ended when I first heard her feelings about the issue a while back when Porqchop and his better half were having the same debate. As I figured, to go against those wishes, would be more foolish than peeing into the wind.

But that didn’t answer the question, if it’s right or wrong, to make your shower a little golden from time to time. I still believe, there’s nothing inherently wrong with taking a leak under the showerhead. Here are my arguments for men:

First of all, it’s a disinfectant, so this could be the time where men actually assist in cleaning the shower.
Second, we’re not talking about peeing and standing in urine, you aim for the drain, and the running water helps wash it down.
Third, our aim is much better given the size of this target.
Fourth, it’s eco friendly. It saves water, and it’s never wrong to multi-task. Well, unless of course, you’re texting while at the controls of a train. That’s a pretty big no-no.
Fifth, it’s economical. Back to that flushed toilet, and running water. It all costs money. Would it be better to piss money down the drain, or urine? One of them belongs in the drain, the other, well that could be used to purchase more useful items. Like purses.


Spoiler alert! Do not read if you haven’t seen Weeds’ Season Finale!

There, you’ve been warned. Consider this my “Remain 100 Yards Behind” sign that you see on a garbage truck or my “Not Responsible for Lost or Stolen Items” you see at the gym. By the way, I think I want to steal one of those signs. They can’t prosecute me right?

So the wife and I finally got around to watching the finale to a very strange season of Weeds. If the first season was a 10, the second season was a 9, this year was a 6.5. Which is pretty much par for the cable television series, they all seem to start so strong, then lose direction like a drunk peeing in the shower.

This year we saw Nancy move the family to just north of the border, make Guillermo irrelevant by connecting with his boss, another DEA agent get whacked, Silas eat out while in the sandwich shop, Shane pull of a three some that would make R. Kelly proud, and Celia’s life spiral out of control faster than Britney circa 2007. I miss it when Nancy just sold pot in the burbs. No gangsters, no murder, no teenage three-ways. Yet, I still have to watch every episode.

I think the writers even acknowledged the fact that the show has gotten away from them. In the finale, Nancy is talking to her brother in-law, while naked in the tub, about how she used to be able to justify everything. That’s what made her great. Selling pot to keep her kids in the best schools and dressed in American Eagle, that made sense. Seeing her first drive by, made the poor-middle class white lady upset. And some where along the ride, she ended up being Nancy Escobar. No justification, she just did whatever seemed to be the worst thing she could do. There was no rhyme, no reason, no damn sense to it.

And now, when faced with the fact that she ratted on her boyfriend/mayor/drug lord, she looked entirely screwed. And she was, so screwed that she was actually preggars. Well, that’s just great. Earlier in the episode, we saw a glimpe of the Nancy Botwin we used to know, as she dealt with all her guilt and the fear that she’s failed her sons. What better way to redeem yourself, than to raise the child of a really likeable crime lord.

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