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September 01, 2009

Jim Bob Duggar Kemp?

Please, someone stop the Duggars. That crazy family, with the show “18 and Counting” is preggars again. No shit. I did the math on this, and its mind boggling. The mom, Michelle, is 42. She’ll be 43 when baby #19 just plops right out (there’s an image for you). She was 23 when her first was born, so that makes for 19 babies in 23 years. She’s been pregnant 62% of the time since she was 23. She’ll have been pregnant for 14.25 years.

On the low end, the average cost of a delivery is $5,000. Multiplied by 19 deliveries and that’s $95,000. That raises one question for me, how much are condoms again? has a calculator, and based on average diapering costs and not paying for childcare, the average cost for a baby’s first year is $5,550. Again, do that 19 times and you’ve spent over $105,000. And that’s just for the first year of each kids life.

In our house there’s three of us, and we spend about $400 a month on groceries. I’m sure the Duggars grow their own veggies, kill cows themselves and mom probably squeezes out milk for dinner every night, but if they bought food at the same rate as us, they’d spend $2,800 a month on groceries. And we don’t have any teenagers in the house, let alone seven. Shit, that’s over $30 grand a year.

Here’s the kicker, according to, the Duggars live debt free. You know what, fuck them! They live in a 7,000 sq ft house, and supposedly make their money on commercial properties they own. No surprise here, but they home school their kids, with 12 of their kids being old enough to attend school. What are the odds that they’ll learn abstinence? The only way I thought a man could have 19 kids, is if he plays in the NBA. This family scares me to death.

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