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November 28, 2006

A Few Things

So this is funny, to me anyway. First, I need to give you a little background info. This blog, as you may have noticed, has a counter on the right side. Well, it’s more than just a counter. Yes, it counts the visits, but it does more than that. It keeps track of who (by IP address) how they found the page (Google and the keywords, a link from another page or whatever) as well as tells me what page someone left on and how long they read my blog. Pretty boring stuff, I know, but I still get a kick out of it. Plus, I may one day get some advertising on here and make a buck or two, so this is all useful information for me.

Now how on earth can this be funny? Well, last night I had a visitor. To the blog that is, and I just love how they found it. Someone Googled “lenscrafters” and the very colorful adjective “shitty” and that lead them to I’d like to meet this person. I’m pretty sure we could be fast friends. I just wonder what kind of experience they had recently, that they felt the need to look up other the good ol’ shitty Lenscrafters.


Some friends and I were talking about getting a team together to try out for VH1’s World Series of Pop Culture. Unfortunately, the teams consist of three players rather than four as we first though. So, I am trying to form my own team. Looking for fellow dorks with embarrassing knowledge of music, movies, television and whatever else they may ask.

The subjects I feel pretty confident in are: Gangster movies, hip hop, pop music since the 80’s, Friends, Seinfeld, Sopranos, Entourage, movies in general since the 80’s, and events. And if the judges can’t understand my answer, they can’t say I am wrong.


Here is a list of upcoming movies I’m looking forward to seeing this Holiday Season:
Bobby, Blood Diamond, The Pursuit of Happyness, The Good Shepherd, The Good German, and Smokin’ Aces.

From what I have read about these movies, I have pretty high expectations, but I’m sure there’ll be some surprises.


Gregg said...
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Kat said...

ok thanks for the laugh, pissing my pants over here lol