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November 13, 2006

Make Funny Time Yes

This past weekend I saw Borat, and it is every bit as funny as you’ve heard. But it’s a lot smarter than people are giving it credit for. Sure, the “running of the Jew” nearly made me wet myself, and I laughed hysterically for a solid 10 minutes after the scene, but exposing the ignorance of Americans throughout the movie was borderline brilliant. Some how this guy was able to get your average Americans, and I mean average on every level, to let their guard down and really say how they feel. Be it homophobic comments by a cowboy at a rodeo in Texas, to drunken college kids sounding like the disciples’ of Mel Gibson.

Much of the movie uses the same shock humor as Jackass, but it always ends up going somewhere you couldn’t anticipate. Now, what I don’t understand is how Shasha Baron-Cohen is able to find such fools. It doesn’t surprise me that he isn’t recognized and I’m sure they had to edit out a few scenes where he was but, the fact that he gets people to invite him in with a camera and humiliate them, well that just baffles me. Don’t they have to sign consent forms to allow the footage to be aired? I don’t see anyway that his adventure was as random as we are led to believe.

Definitely a movie to own when the DVD comes out, I can’t wait to see some of the deleted scenes. Is very nice.

As funny as Borat was, it wasn’t the funniest part of my weekend. Watching Porqchops daughter eat, well that literally takes the cake. At first she appears angelic, as she nearly dives head first into her cake. Then you hear something that you immediately assume is Porqchop. No, the growling noise isn’t coming from his intestine. And it’s 1:30 on a Sunday afternoon, so he isn’t just watching Skinamax. No, the growling sound is coming from a now 1 year old girl, as she devours her cake. It’s friggin’ hysterical. She continues to growl, and ignores the laughter of the nearby adults because she means business. This isn’t a kid hamming it up for attention; she is just that serious about her food.


BABarracus said...

Hirp, I make sexy time explosion on your chest.

Gregg said...

My mustache still tastes of your testes.