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November 29, 2006


Well, another week and another controversy coming out of Hollywood. That wasn’t even meant to be a pun, but last week it was who was coming out of the closet and this week it’s what should or shouldn’t be said. By now, we’ve all heard what Michael Richards, aka KKKramer said to some hecklers. And what he said is without a doubt, awful and hateful and there should be uproar about it. So leaders from the African-American community are rallying to try and ban the “N” word.

And really, I’m not sure how I feel about it. I think if rappers, writers and everyone decides they don’t want to use it anymore then they shouldn’t. Maybe it’s just the word “ban” that I’m unsure of, but I don’t think there’s been a time in history that a ban was truly successful. They might get some people to stop using it, but they’ll also get people who will rebel against being told not to say it. The best thing that will come from all this, will be open discussion about the word. Let’s start with seeing it, the word is, “nigger.” Yes, I wrote it. Stop the presses, I just said nigger. And I don’t say it in my everyday vocabulary.

In fact, when I listen to hip hop and the word is used in a song, I won’t say it. So why am I writing it now? I’ll tell you why. I’ve been reading some articles about this subject, and they all either say the “N” word or n*****, like we don’t know what that is. Last night I was watching 8 Mile on VH1, and there’s a scene where Eminem gives the finger. But thanks to technology, they edited it out. So instead of seeing a finger, we’ve all seen, we just see what looks like a crippled hand that is missing the top half of one finger. I say F that. The word in the center of all this is nigger, there are no asterisks in the spelling of it.

It’s an awful word, with a long hateful history. I will not object one bit, if I never hear it in a song or a movie ever again. And I’d be thrilled if I never heard it in conversation. I have black friends that use it when talking, and not just to other blacks. I’ve been told I have a pass to use it, I took it as a compliment, but I won’t use it. I realize that’s all I can decide. It isn’t right for me to say, and I know it isn’t right for any white man or woman to say. I understand the point of view that it’s degrading for blacks to use the word when addressing each other. It’s a completely logical opinion to have. But, what any people of any culture choose to call one another is up to them. I once saw an interview with Tupac where he explained the difference between the words nigger and nigga.

He explained it to mean: N.I.G.G.A. Never Iggnorant Getting Goals Accomplished. And that “niggers were the ones hanging by ropes, Niggas are the ones wearing gold ropes.” How can we really say it’s wrong to take a negative and turn it into a positive? Just because everyone can’t agree that it’s a positive? Is that really much different than when it became a symbol of status for Jewish-Americans to drive a Mercedes-Benz?

Chris Rock broke it down some years ago on a comedy special. He said something to the affect of “I black people, but I hate niggers.” And went on to describe the difference, which essentially was the same as the difference between what we consider white trash and everyone else. So it’s a complex issue, with lots of opinions. And just trying to ban it, doesn’t begin to actually deal with it.

I routinely hear women call each other bitches, and worse. I know it’s disrespectful if I say it, and if I do that I’m taking my life in my hands. I have used “kyke” when talking to other Jews I’m friends with, and in some weird way it really is a term of endearment. But if someone else says it, well we aren’t going to be friends. I know I’m wrong for how I use words like “gay” and “fag.” I don’t feel I’m homo-phobic and I probably shouldn’t use the words, but in all honesty I’ll probably continue to do so.

Society isn’t nice. Everyone says things they probably shouldn’t, and we all use words that would offend entire groups of people. I happen to enjoy race and religious based jokes, but not racist or hateful jokes. And there’s a thin line there. I happen to strongly believe we should acknowledge and embrace our differences. And the best way to do so is to make fun of those differences. This is why I think this is actually a good thing to be talking about. There shouldn’t just be a ban because it’s a bad word. There should be discussions about why it’s bad, who it offends. It’s a tough conversation to have. But trying to be all Politically Correct while discussing it, is the best way to end honest communication.

Here’s a quote from the rapper Chamillionaire about the subject. He says he’s we as if he is only speaking about African-Americans, but it’s really everyone.

“Its not just rappers its as African-Americans in general, we do a lot of things that are opposite of past history," Chamillionaire said. "We wear flashy jewelry and brag like it’s a trophy, when people in the present and past history would get killed for the diamonds. We promote violence and drugs but complain about violence and drugs. We don't vote but complain about who is in office. We throw the 'n-word' around like it’s a good thing, when in the past it was one of the most dreadful words. All this stuff has grown to become a part of the culture."


Gregg said...

But for those charecters to say it, he had to write it. If there were some "ban" on the word, would he have still written it that way?

Gregg said...

Woman? Women could read and write back then? What was the whole equal rights movement about then?!

From what I can tell, they want it banned completely. They don't want it spoken, written or sung. I could be wrong though. It's just not likely.

Anonymous said...

Hirp is right when he places the use of a word within the context and tone of it's use. We've all heard George Carlin use the word without arousing this kind of controversy, but Richards was using it the way a racist uses it. The reason I'm not concerned about any attept to ban a word is that it is clearly futile.

Gregg said...

Hey Frey, watch the language. This is a family site. Geesh