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December 11, 2006

Man Up Ladies?!

Recently I was catching up with an old friend. And this friend had recently been at a Laker game where he sat near Lindsay Lohan. So our conversation found its way to analyzing these women of today. The Britneys, the Simpson girls and Paris, and the current generation of women in general. Not that any of the mentioned women are really a fair barometer for all women, but they aren’t completely off the chart either.

In Simpson you have the girl from the south, raised in the Church and a woman who shamelessly made her private life very public. Lohan is the girl from New York who says she just wants the media to let her live her life, but doesn’t do anything to help her cause. She chain smokes and parties. Her fathers’ trips to rehab and jail are as covered as Robert Downey Jr’s trips were a few years ago. And both women are moguls in their own right. In some respects, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, they are role models to young girls. If only for their professional, well for lack of a better word, accomplishments.

But that isn’t my point. What I see in these two, is behavior we see in the females of that generation. Hold on, it’s taking me a minute to accept that we’re actually of different generations. Okay, I’ve regained most of my composure so that I can solider on. We’re back on track now. I haven't been able to narrow it down to a specific date or event, but at some point women became more manly then those of us with the equipment. And this is not a good thing.

I’m not some backwards thinking jackass who thinks a womans place is in the kitchen and raising children. I think they can do anything they want, and they should. I also happen to think they are better than men. Like how I think KU hoops is better than MU hoops, I hold each to different standards. This may or may not be fair, but it’s honest. And the women of today are far from meeting these standards. They do amazing things. They raise families, have careers, and most of them would change their own oil before I would.

But at what price? I’ve been around way too many women who were awfully comfortable with their bodily functions. This started when I was in high school, but it was still some what rare. Now, it’s common for them to belch and laugh proudly at their gas. Sorry, this isn’t even a little bit cute. It’s not even cute when my nieces or nephews do it, it’s sure as hell not attractive when my buddies do it. I joke that I don’t believe women have gas and that they don’t fart or even poop. I know they do, I just like to think they don’t. Those are gross things for men to do for the single purpose of upsetting women. It doesn’t make a girl “one of the guys” if she can burp louder than a truck driver.

Just like it doesn’t make a woman any more attractive if she brags about her conquests. I’m glad you enjoyed “Sex in the City” and maybe it was a look behind the veil at women’s lives. But, let’s leave it at a peek.

So I asked my friend why he thought women had started to act like this, or at least do so openly. He believes he has to do with porn, and how accessible it has become in recent years. I can’t say I agree with him, not even a little bit. For starters, I don’t think there’s a chance in hell it’s that simple. At the same time he made the point that men today don’t have any kind of Rat Pack to look up to. No longer is there Leo and his “pussy posse”. In fact the guys in Hollywood, who are still getting press for who they bed, are the older guys like Clooney and Farrell. And the only men who suddenly became Saints are Reggie Bush and Drew Brees.

So what happened? Well, my opinion may very well make me sound like I’m a devout Republican. The single biggest cause behind the “Maning Up” of women is the single parent homes. Seriously. This is coming from a liberal Jew, not the Christian Coalition.

This isn’t at all meant as a dig on single moms who make up the majority of single parent homes; on the contrary it’s more of a dig on men. Kids are being raised by women, which has always been true, but now mom is playing both roles. Boys and girls are seeing their mothers bust their asses to move up the corporate ladder, come home and put on two hats. The result, in my opinion, is a mom who doesn’t feel she has to be feminine as much as their married counter part. So maybe they burp without worrying about will it gross out their spouse. Also, they end up dating, as they should. But seeing mom go out on a few dates, is obviously going to have some impact on the rug rats.

I can’t stand the thought of my parents having sex, to this day I still like to believe a stork dropped me off at the front door. But if kids grow up with their parents dating, well sex is part of dating so they’re going to get exposed to it in a much different way. And being raised by women hasn’t just changed the behavior of women. Look at the whole “metro-sexual” phenomenon. It’s to be expected when a boy grows up with mostly women role models. So the real cause behind this is men who aren’t holding up their end of the bargain. Not to say all kids who grow up with divorced parents are without two good parents, I know that it’s not true. And I know some single parents who read this site, I’m not saying your daughters are going to grow up to be Lindsay Lohan or your sons are going to be David Beckham. But you can’t be surprised if you leave it up to mom to do everything, that the kids will be more like her. The good and the bad. The Spears and the Aniston.


Porqchop said...

I had no idea you were such a prude (and I'm leaking out of all orifices as I type this...).

Gregg said...

Bitch, what you don't know about me I could just about fit in the Grand Canyon

Porqchop said...

Use "your own" words Hirp... your own....