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September 25, 2007

Hirp On...

It seemed as if everyone was all bent out of shape because Columbia University gave the head dick or Iran a forum to speak. I really don’t understand why. Seems like we like to sit on the other side of the planet, waving our collective finger at how other countries operate, and preach about how great our freedoms are. Then when given the opportunity to show them first hand how great something like the freedom of speech is, everyone gets their panties in a bunch.

It’s not as if I agree with anything the nut job says, but instead of reading about how nuts he is or dangerous we were given the opportunity to hear it right from the lunatics’ mouth. Are we afraid people will buy into his non-sense? If so, we have bigger fish to fry. It’s pretty simple really, think about parenting. Would you tell your kids to listen to their enemy or tell them to take their ball and go home?

I think Barrak Obama hit one out of the park when he quoted JFK, “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.”

I’ll be honest, I may not be the good practicing Jew I should be, but I still have more than a slight problem with someone wanting to eliminate Israel and kill some Jews. As a rule, I’m pretty much against killing any group of people. Even if there was a race, creed or religion that preached the gospel of mullets, Zubaz, Nascar, eating healthy, reality TV, the use of aluminum bats and cell phone belt clips.

However, I glad that they wouldn’t allow him to visit Ground Zero. That would have been like OJ showing up at Ron Goldman’s wake.

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