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September 10, 2007


• I love music, but I’m really not a huge fan of concerts. One thing I don’t understand is the encore. The artist ends their set and the audience cheers and cheers, making them come back out to perform some more. Why? Why can’t they just sing all the songs they planned on, and the show ends when they say? It’s not as genuine as we like to think. The artist and often the audience know exactly what song or songs will be played. But we should believe they are truly humbled and grateful? It’s complete bullshit. “No, you’re too kind. Really, thank you. I mean it. No, I can’t. I have to go. One more? Okay, I guess we can do just one more.” Sounds like a car salesmen telling us they can’t go any lower, then giving up and marching to their manager who never lowers the price only to find out he got laid last night so he’s in a good mood and will make this one time exception. Carmax should manage concerts.
• Sprint is pretty happy to have “High School Musical 2” available on Sprint TV. Wonder if they realize more people are viewing naked pictures of Vanessa Hudgens. That should be their big promotion this week. I swear, after I watched that movie, I was going to write about the future of the cast and who would be the first to end up naked on the net and who would be first in rehab. 10 years ago the cast would have been Britney, Christina, Jessica, Justin and the rest of the Backstreet Boys and N’Sync.
• I don’t know, call me crazy, but this sounds like a slight abuse of power. Cop eats a burger and gets sick, turns out there was too much salt on the burger, so he halls the grill chick off to jail. Someone let him do this? I wonder what will be in his next burger.
• Like most of America, I had to watch Britney perform at the MTV VMA’s. Let’s see, she looked bad, sounded horrible, the song sucks, she was dressed like a stripper but didn’t dance, she couldn’t lip sync even a little bit and the crowd looked both bored and sad. Britney, your clock is ticking. 14 minutes, 32 seconds. 14 minutes 38 seconds…..
• There’s a new show on HBO, “Tell Me You Love Me.” Pretty good show, feels a bit like you’re watching real life un-happily married couples. “It’s not TV, it’s HBO,” is no longer an appropriate slogan. Not after seeing the following: balls, dude jerkin the gerkin, hand job with the Creamy Italian and geriatric fellatio. Rhythm

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