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September 26, 2007

Two Things..

I’m not entirely sure of how it happened, but in the past few days I have received two text messages that weren’t intended for me. Not from friends who accidentally clicked on the wrong contact, but completely random. The first was the sort of text that could cause a lot of trouble for a fella.

Saturday afternoon I’m sitting at Long Branch enjoying the best burger in KC with my girlfriend and a good friend, when the text came in. “I love u more than you like me,” it read. Um, excuse me? The area code was 618, which I later found out belongs to someone in Southern Illinois. Getting random texts could rattle a lesser woman, and a text declaring their love for me isn’t doing me any favors. Seriously, the only reaction I could have would be the same no matter if I knew who it was or if I didn’t. Pointing this fact out is probably not my best idea. My friend decided to call the number to see who it was; she said it sounded like a 13 year old girl. This either makes me look even worse, or makes it all a funny case of happenstance. I’m thankful it was the second one. I gotta think that if the girlfriend thought I was texting young girls across state lines, she’d drop me faster than Chris Hansen could appear.

The second mis-text came yesterday. “How are we paying for pizza,” it read. This one came from a KC area code, and it referenced pizza. So it at least sounds like it was for the right guy. But the number was as foreign to me as panties are to Britney. I responded with, “who is we and why are we buying a pizza?” Only to be asked who I was. Beg your pardon, you sent me a text. Who are you, and I’m suddenly hungry. Oh, by the way. What the hell is up with “beg your pardon”? If we’re being all polite, is there really any need for someone to beg? Anyway, turns out it was some guy named Josh and he wasn’t exactly sure how I ended up getting his text. Buying pizza with strange guys could also send the girlfriend running.


I don’t like Bill O’Reilly. I really don’t like him. I think he’s dangerous, arrogant, ignorant, racist, and any other adjectives that point to him being a mean and bad person. And I just read some comments he made about a restaurant in Harlem, and I can’t for the life me understand why he still has a job.

"I couldn't get over the fact that there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City. I mean, it was exactly the same, even though it's run by blacks, primarily black patronship." Later, during a discussion with National Public Radio senior correspondent and Fox News contributor Juan Williams about the effect of rap on culture, O'Reilly asserted: "There wasn't one person in Sylvia's who was screaming, 'M-Fer, I want more iced tea.' You know, I mean, everybody was -- it was like going into an Italian restaurant in an all-white suburb in the sense of people were sitting there, and they were ordering and having fun. And there wasn't any kind of craziness at all."

Sorry, but are you M-Fing kidding me? When I’ve eaten at Cracker Barrel, I didn’t find it surprising that there aren’t minutes from the last Klans meeting hanging up. I’ve bee in a few deli’s, never heard anyone talking about controlling the media and the free world. Never once has the clerk at 7-11 referred to me as an infidel. What the hell is wrong with Bill O’Reilly and more importantly, what the hell is wrong with this country that he’s actually popular? But we’re afraid of the President of Iran and what hateful things he might say? At least that forum allowed for people to debate his comments, ever see O’Reilly react to someone calling him out? I’ve seen five year olds handle bedtime without dessert more maturely.

I love that he thinks “Black Americans are thinking more for themselves.” His entire career is based on him telling people how to think. If we don’t think like him, we’re wrong.

Also, if you listen to the clip on the side you’ll hear Juan Williams talking about the impact of rap music. He says rap music makes women think they need to dance around half naked, and that it tells kids this is the life style they need to live to get rich and famous. That’s rap music. What about rock music? Look through its history. Jerry Lee Lewis marries a kid. Elvis enjoyed his drugs. The Beatles, well they might have used some drugs. And rock music today? Their videos are what, high class? But anything rap does is vile.

Martin Scoresese is rightfully looked at as a genius, yet we’ve seen minors in intimate situations. We’ve seen crime glorified, and applauded it for being realistic. As I said in a previous post, Harry Connick Jr was once arrested for gun possession. There’s a video on YouTube of another nut job, Ted Nugent, waving guns around and making what can only be interpted as threats to Presidential Candidates Clinton and Obama. But if a rapper makes reference to similar activities, its vile and dangerous.

Look up hypocrite in the dictionary, and know what you’ll find? No, not a picture of Bill O’Reilly, but the definition of hypocrite which he obviously fucking is.

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