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September 18, 2007

Juicy Squirts

Has there ever been such a wide spread case of de ja vu? OJ might actually have his second trial of the century, and in a different century from his first.

• Think Michael Vick is wishing OJ did this a few months ago?
• The original OJ case made more careers than the Concord Institute and Brown Mackey combined. Greta Van Facelift, Faye Resnick (did you know she’s Godmother to Paris and Nicky Hilton), Kato Kaelin (who paved the way for celebs with no actual talent) and Mark Fuhrman (who pretty much blew the case, then profited from the it.) That’s just to name a few. CourTV became huge after this case, who knows if it would have even lasted had there never been any OJ.
• Did OJ’s golfing buddies look at this as a great career opportunity? Someone brought a recording device along for the ride. Pretty sure rule #1, in the Crime for Dummies book, suggests leaving camcorders and other recording devices at home.
• Where was AC Cowlings? Shouldn’t he be on the tape? “You know who I am, I’m AC!”
• Why is Larry King asking Ron Goldman’s sister if she thinks this arrest will help boost sales numbers for OJ’s book?
• Will OJ be writing a follow-up book?
• When arrested while staying in a hotel, do they charge you an early check-out fee? Do they even check you out?
• Did OJ really think these guys would steal his stuff and try to profit off him, but not tell anyone when he barged in and stuck them up? How did someone so stupid get away with such a huge crime?

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