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December 24, 2007

Excuse Me

So I was reading some reaction to Jamie Lynn Spears’ pregnancy on, and some woman from California made some points about how her daughter realized the pregnancy would impact Spears’ career and life, but then she suddenly went stupid. She said that Spears’ has a good job and “makes a lot of money and has the resources to make sure the baby is taken care of.”

Um, was this the first time she’s watched the news in a few years? Britney has proven to us, money doesn’t mean a damn thing. If you’re not ready to be a mom, it doesn’t matter how much cash you have. A bad mom is a bad mom, and a good mom is a rarity. Having money can just make for a poorly raised, troubled kid-spoiled brat.

In the same story, which is all just readers reactions to the story, I saw more t han a few parents talk about how their kid is too smart, too responsible and would never make such poor choices. Sounds like some stupid ass parents to me. Of course every parent hopes their kid knows better, and most kids do know better, but they still make mistakes. Hell, adults make stupid mistakes all the time. We just don’t view those as great tragedies, but I wonder how many of these parents of honor roll students are going to be surprised when it’s their daughter that’s knocked-up. Or their son that’s about to be a dad, or gets a DUI, or goes to MU. Kids make stupid choices, even the smart ones.

The biggest mistake in this whole mess isn’t even that she got preggers. It’s that she is selling the babies first picture to a tabloid magazine for a million bucks. A kid is going to whore out her own kid. That’s a mistake of grand proportion, and should be a crime. Wonder how long it is till Jamie Lynn is a grand parent, I give it 14 years.


I hit Target yesterday for one last toy, and it wasn’t even busy. Just a regular Sunday night in the ‘burbs. But what the hell is wrong with people? Just three words, ex cuse and me. That’s all they have to say, but it seems to have vanished from the English language. Forget that I wanted to say “fuck you” to those strangers who wish me a Merry Christmas, I now want to just knock-out the idiots who can’t say “excuse me,” or “pardon,” or some other variation. Even a friggin’ head nod will suffice. And that 5 year old that ran into me yesterday, I’m looking for him. For Christmas he’s getting a can of whoop ass and so is his dad, who was no where to be seen or apologize for his little shit kid and poor parenting.

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