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December 17, 2007

How do you say "Oy vey" in Spanish?

I made the big move to the campus today. So I feel like both, the new kid in school and also an adult. The new kid, because I’m lost on this huge campus. This is Porqchops’ dream come true; I can visit a new toilet everyday till our stock goes up or hell freezes over. And I feel like an adult, because well frankly, there are a lot of grown folks around here. Some I even know.

Anyway, I have a few likes and dislikes to go over. Let’s start with the restroom. Okay, automated urinals are one thing. No one really flushes those things anyway, but an automated toilet? I don’t know about that, I’m just not sure if I’m comfortable with their being a sensor pointed at my backside. How easy would it be for that to be replaced with a lipstick camera? Admittedly, they’d have to change the name from “lipstick cam.” We also have sinks and soap dispensers that have sensors, ah technology. But we have good ol’ manual paper towel dispensers. This seems inconsistent to me. Once again, I’ve found vending machines that lack the necessities. I’m starting to feel discriminated against as a Starburst supporter. Toss the health food snacks, if you’re spending less than a dollar on a snack, you aren’t getting anything healthy nor should you.


Been in touch with the resort in Mexico a lot lately, and realized I should have paid attention in Spanish class in junior high and high school. Talking louder and ending every word with the letter “O” doesn’t work like I thought it would.


The first section of this post was written around 9:30am, I just found a vending machine with Starburst, so we can call off Sharpton and Jackson. Over lunch we made a run to the McDs on Metcalf, which is like Capital Grille compared to the McDs we were running to while working downtown. But I realized working so close to where I spent my teenage years is a bit depressing. I suddenly felt like I never got away at all. I remember when they built Rosanna Square, and I worked at this Best Buy when it opened. Now 15 years later I’ve come full circle.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am confused, why are you on campus?