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December 19, 2007

Spear Me

The apple doesn’t fall far from the trailer park. Mother-of-the-year, Britney Spears, has a 16 year old little sister, Jamie Lynn, who looks exactly how Brit did when she was that age (complete with a show on Nick which I’ve been forced to watch) and she just announced she’s preggers. There’s following in the footsteps of your big sis, but that doesn’t mean you have to follow them when the prints are on the ceiling.

Here’s a snippet from the article I read “She (the grandmother) said her actress daughter, the telegenic heroine of her popular Nickelodeon series, has known Aldridge (baby-daddy) for years and began dating him in high school.”

Oh, they began dating in high school. Well then, it’s no big deal is it? What the fuck!? Do they think the public is THAT stupid?!? 16 is still high school aged, although I don’t think many 16 year olds with a baby on the way stay in school very long. I guess she could teach Brit a thing or two about long-term relationships. At one point I even had a little respect for the kid, when I saw a clip of her telling a Malibu neighbor of her big sister she wasn’t welcome to, “fucking move then!” I thought the kid had spunk, I guess I was sorta right.

Note: It’s the right time to be a part of a scandal, with the writer strike you don’t have to worry about Letterman or Conan taking shots at you.


KSU fans love to make jokes about KU and Lawrence being homo-sexual friendly, right? Has anyone noticed that they are the school with a built in lisp? Never mind the whole purple thing…


What’s the difference between “family values” and just plain ol’ values?

Found this on

“Oscar winner Jamie Foxx will take over Las Vegas' JET nightclub on Friday to celebrate his 40th birthday. The Ray star has been planning the party for months and plans to recreate his favorite film, Boyz N The Hood, at the bash. In a recent interview Foxx said, "I want to dress up as Wesley Snipes' character Nino Brown in an electric-blue suit, without a shirt on, carry a bottle of Dom Perignon (champagne), have some rottweilers next to me... I can't wait."

Everyone knows Nino Brown was in New Jack City, right? I mean, those two movies aren’t even close to the same thing. It’d be one thing if he was dressing up as O-Dogg from Menece II Society, and they said Boyz N The Hood. You can recreate Nino, but if you try to recreate Boyz N The Hood, well Mikey said it best in Swingers, “Haven’t you see Boyz N the Hood? Now one us is going t o get shot.” Boyz is as similar to New Jack as I Am Legend is to Men In Black.


The Mitchell Report proves nothing and accomplishes nothing. Supposedly, it covers the last 10 years of baseball. Which means 86 (the number of players named) represents less than 2% of all that have played in that period. It’s not a legal document, and those named have no real way to clear their names or recover. The report blames the players, teams and MLB itself for the problem, and Commisoner Selig has said he’ll treat those named as “users” and punish them case-by-case. If he had balls, an ounce of integrity, and actually gave a shit about the game he would accept responsibility (as he wants players to do) and he’d step down. He should also fine himself.

Seriously, how messed up is Major League Baseball right now? On one hand they are bragging about how aggressively they are going after cheating. And on the other they are bragging about how the game has never been more popular and that the game brought in $6 billion in 2007. That’s either amazingly arrogant, that they don’t see the correlation between juiced up players and the bottom line, or frighteningly stupid. Neither is a positive for leader of any organization. And we can’t lose sight of the fact that Selig called for this report, which is nothing but McCarthyism. Are we to assume that those names left off the report are innocent?

If they are trying to “right the wrongs” they can start by lowering ticket prices. They went up because of supply and demand right? Well, demand went up because we thought we were seeing amazing accomplishments, and now they are telling us we saw enhanced players and that their accomplishments aren’t so great.

And I’m considering legal action against hundreds of players. I haven’t won my fantasy baseball title, but I’m certain it’s because I was playing with only clean players, and was at a significant disadvantage. Also, I think all sports video games should now offer the choice of whether or not you want to juice your players.

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