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July 18, 2008

Hirp Joel

Listening to all of the Billy Joel on my iPod this morning, this guy will never get enough credit for the great songs he’s put out. Seriously, this will sound like the cheesiest thing I’ve ever said (and that’s saying something) but I think I treat Coco right, and I think I learned how from Billy’s lyrics. Who do we have like that now? I love hip-hop, but there’s a generation of kids growing up without any singers they can actually turn to for advice. Everyone is way to self centered, even my man, John Mayer. Bubblegum Tongue, c’mon, that isn’t for anything other than getting high school and Frat Boys laid after a few beers. For all those who aren’t sure how to treat their wives/girlfriends, they can learn how by listening to maybe 8 maybe 9 different Billy Joel songs. It’s that easy. This isn’t abstract, its paint by numbers:

“Tell Her About It” for all those too scared to actually open up and risk ridicule from the boys.
“Just The Way You Are” get past all the bullshit, accept someone for who they really are.
“She’s Always a Woman to Me” whoever he sang about, you can’t help but like and fear.
“Laura” She always said he’s the best friend she’s had, how do you hang up on someone who needs you that bad? You don’t.
“Leave a Tender Moment Alone” ‘nuff said.
“Vienna” Tough guy, if you’re so smart, why are you afraid? Mom nagging you won’t help you grow up, but Billy will. Vienna waits for you.
“All for Leyna” and you’ll have the
“Honesty” well, this song works for everyone and every situation.

So hopefully Coco would vouch for me here, and give some validation to this theory.

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