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July 01, 2008

Multiple Hirpasms

So Gen. Wesley Clark has taken a shot (pun: entirely intentional) at Sen. John McCain’s service record. I don’t know the details, nor do I need to, of McCain’s time in the service. If you serve, be it on the front lines, as a pilot, a chef or a secretary, then you deserve all the respect in the world. This coming from the last person on earth, you could expect to see in uniform. But I still have respect for every single one of them, no matter their role. There’s a chance they’ll be in the vicinity of some bullets flying or things blowing up, and as long as it isn’t on the set of a movie, then it takes cajones that most people don’t have. The man was shot down and kept as a prisoner of war, and I hate it if my flight is delayed or if I have to stay in a hotel that only offers single-ply. Clark just cost himself a chance at being Vice President. Way to go, slick.


Obama was in lovely Independence, Missouri yesterday. Without a doubt, he’ll now back Kansas in the “Border War.” But this isn’t about all that. He had to defend his patriotism, and that’s as retarded as Corky. We’re back to loyalty, which is what patriotism is, and real loyalty means you see and acknowledge a friends flaws. And it takes a special kind of loyalty to see those flaws, and actually try and do something about them. So his wife said something like, “being proud of my country for the first time in my adult life.”

I hope Obama feels that way, we all should. Not that we’re a completely awful country, but if you look at what we’ve done the past 20 years, there isn’t much to be proud of. I got it, the Cold War ended, and then what? We managed to take that good will and piss of the entire world. It doesn’t mean they are un-American, or anti-American, they just expect better of us. That’s exactly what we need in a leader. Screw “stay the course” when the course if FUBAR.


I’m getting sick of the headline: Gas Prices Hit All-Time High. That’s “news’ like when my mom used to tell me the pollen count was high. I want to see a headline that reads something like; “Taking it in the Pooper at the Pump.”

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