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July 16, 2008


So Thursday of last week, I’m feeling pretty good. A lot of work to do, but the hours are flying by before my long weekend starts. I undock my laptop and head off to a meeting, which of course we decide, within 5 minutes of sitting there, this isn’t really necessary. So I head back to my desk, dock my laptop, so I can jet off to lunch, before coming back for two more meetings and then jetting for the weekend. I dock the laptop, and power it up. Click. Click, click, click. Now my laptop sounds more like a hamster is drunk while trying to run on his little wheel. Try again, more clicks. Un-dock, remove battery and try again. More friggin’ clicks. Lunch will be delayed, as I take the laptop to the PC Clinic at work.

Really, they shouldn’t call it a clinic, but a morgue. I’m informed they don’t have any parts, and they’ll have to replace it. Then I was asked if that’s okay. Um, what are my other options exactly? Can I say never mind, and return to my desk with a drunk hamster? Won’t my boss realize I’m not working at some point? How about I just say no, am I fired on the spot? Really, I’ll never understand why they asked if it was okay if they replaced my broken computer.

And of course, they couldn’t salvage anything from my hard drive. Any and all files, e-mails and settings are all gone. Have a good weekend in Chicago, Hirp, because work is going to suck when you get back.

So we went to Chicago, and no trip is complete without a couple of flight delays. Seriously, all flights are delayed now. Can’t they internally schedule a flight for 5pm, but just tell the public it won’t leave till 6pm? Kind of how one may trick a friend that’s always running late to show up somewhere on time.


The NFL hired an “expert” to review video tape to determine whether or not players are using gang signs on the field. And I didn’t see this on Are you shitting me? I’d love that job. He could make some money on the side, by keeping his mouth shut and tipping off the Crips if a visiting team has any Bloods on the roster, or vice versa. Not that I would do that, but remember. MOB. Money over bitches..or was it Member of Bloods…whatever Pac meant.

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