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June 30, 2008

Loyal Rivals?

Loyalty. For me, it’s the most important trait someone can have, irreplaceable if it’s lacked. So that said, I respect my friends for their loyalty to KU. But there’s a line between loyalty and silly. See, I have three separate friends who all have something in common with their thinking and how they express their loyalty to KU. They all have vowed to never live in the state of Missouri.

I love a good rivalry, but this is taking it too far. Taking it from fun to embarrassing. They all brought up the fact that former MU coach, Norm Stewart, wouldn’t spend the night in Lawrence. Choosing to load the bus after a game, no matter the time, and head back to Columbia. This some how, is seen as a slight to these and other KU fans. To me, it’s simply motivation, as well as smart. So because Norm Stewart wouldn’t spend the night in Kansas, these fans can’t reside in Missouri. They’ll shop, eat and work in Missouri. They’ll go to Worlds of Fun, a Royals game, or the boats in Missouri. They’ll even cheer for a small forward who grew up in Missouri, and had a brother play for MU. But they’re so loyal, and anti-MU, they can’t own land in Missouri.

What better way to one up the Tigers, than to own a slice of their land? That’s better than any “your mama” jokes you can think of.

“Fuck you Tiger, I own part of your state. This land belongs to a KU alumn. We’re takin’ over, bitches.” That’s how you handle a beef/rivalry.

When Tupac and Biggie had their beef, what did Biggie write? “Goin’ back to Cali” after Pac wrote about sleeping with Biggie’s wife. They didn’t talk about avoiding the others land and/or property. They bragged about going there, and showed no fear. So rather than show some balls, these fans cross State Line on occasion, and return home with an item, while their money stays in Missouri. That’s loyalty? Sure, and President Clinton was loyal to Hilary when Monica had a mouth full of Prez.

I know, Missouri was a slave state, but I’m pretty sure none of these Hawks had family in Kansas back then, nor did anyone they know in the state of Missouri have slaves. So, let’s just put that one to rest okay? Remember, Kansas didn’t want to teach evolution and it’s the home of Fred Phelps. You can’t disown those facts, and only look at Missouri’s flaws (which there are plenty).

And best of all, this is only about the fans. Norm Stewart was actually friends with Roy Williams. Drew Gooden and Kareem Rush used to hang out together, in both Lawrence and Columbia. This loyal pledge is one thing, ridiculous. Hey, if you don’t want to live in Missouri because the schools in Kansas are better, or because you enjoy the Dorothy jokes, that’s fine. At least there’s some thing resembling logic behind those ideals.

I have to go, the Kyd needs another KU shirt and hat to wear to camp in Missouri.

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