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June 30, 2008


We finally got around to watching Charlie Wilson’s War this weekend. I had looked forward to seeing it ever since reading that Aaron Sorkin penned the screenplay. Very good flick, although not on par with “West Wing” “Sports Night” or A Few Good Men.
Sorkin serves up a lot of food for thought on our current situation in Iraq. This is summed up perfectly with a little story that is told in the movie:

There's a little boy and on his 14th birthday he gets a horse... and everybody in the village says, "how wonderful. the boy got a horse" And the Zen master says, "we'll see." Two years later The boy falls off the horse, breaks his leg, and everybody in the village says, "how terrible." And the Zen master says, "We'll see." Then a war breaks out and all the young men have to go off and fight... except the boy can't cause his legs messed up. and everyone in the village says, "How wonderful."


Mike Tyson is 42 today. How many people lost money on him living this long? I still love Mike. With all his craziness and pure insanity, his charming way of butchering the English language and his rap sheet, there’s something very authentic about him. Just like with a lot of the celebs/athletes that I’ve cheered for, he’s very flawed. There are the guys who are flawed, but try to cover it up, and then there are the guys who are either brave enough to show us their true colors, or too scared to try and hide them. I respect the latter. And while we’re talking Tyson, yes, I firmly believe he was innocent of that rape. Guilty of crimes we’ve never heard of, but innocent of that one.

He’s been in the news of late, although a bit under the radar. Seems Mike had a body guard he was very close to, and this guy was up to no good. Rumor has it, he’s the guy that helped make 50 Cent famous. Not by discovering him, or writing for him, but for shooting him. So he ended up dead, and Tyson allegedly put a $50,000 contract on the killer. And in turn, there may now be a contract out on Mike. This happened, allegedly of course, in 2000. Mike’s still here, and now he’s 42.

As Mike told the NY Post, “I already expect the worst to happen... I expect one day somebody'll blow my brains out over some bullshit No one gives a shitt about Mike Tyson. Someone accuses me of a horrible crime, others say, 'Yeah, he's capable of that. Mike probably did it.'"

I can’t wait to see the documentary: Tyson.

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