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June 26, 2008

Hirp's Way

The Hirp has been heard. Sometimes I think that only friends are reading this blog, but today I saw firsthand what kind of impact I’m having. Someone high up at Burger King must be a fan, and they don’t work too fast, because it took almost three years till the customer saw some results. And really, it’s that customer that I care about.

As you read, it more than bothered me that they only offered “medium” and “large” soft drinks. But thanks to my work, Burger King now rightfully offers a “small” beverage. I ask not for recognition or financial reward, just that they continue to keep the customer in mind. And with in mind, I must share my thoughts on my visit to their fine establishment today.

It’s 2008, and they still haven’t learned that they’re supposed to be “fast food.” The time has come to do away with handing the customer a receipt the length of Tommy Lee, then moving the herd a whole foot away to fill their cups (inferior lids and all). I know they don’t want to be too much like McDonalds, so be the McDonalds we all grew up with. You know, back when they had four, maybe five registers manned, and your order was ready before you finished paying. Back when fast food was fast, and also cheap. I get it, they want us to believe they’re really preparing our food fresh, but if I wanted to wait that long for an order, I’d go some place where I don’t have to pick up after myself, and the ketchup came in a bottle.

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