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June 11, 2008

Hirp Night at the "K"

I’ve been a baseball fan, and going to games, for 24 years and last night spoiled me. I’ve been lucky enough to sit in Shea (many would argue how lucky that makes me) right on top of the first base dugout, I’ve sat in the bleachers at Wrigley and had some pretty choice seats on the third base side there too. But last night we sat in the 4th row behind home plate, and I’ll probably never have such good seats again. This might ruin, or at best, lessen my future trips to the ballpark.

We sat in plush, movie theatre style, chairs. Our food and drinks were included in the price of the tickets (which were free to us) and we had a nice restaurant we could sit in. Much like the Arrowhead club, only it wasn’t packed like my Arrowhead experiences, which made it feel even more exclusive. And lets be honest, most people in the Arrowhead Club aren’t there to watch, they just want to be seen. And that’s the best thing about the seats we had. Maybe it’s my ADD, but sitting in any other seats, I often find myself people watching as much as I watch the game. But we were closer to home plate last night than the pitcher. Sure, when the ball is actually in play, it’s harder to see the action. But 90% of the action in a baseball game happens at home.

Some of the highlights for the evening came from the group of four middle aged women that sat next to us, and the foul comments that flew freely. They should be doing the commentary for every Royals game, just put them in the booth. But make sure someone is ready to hit the bleep button early and often. Royals’ player hits a foul ball in the 9th inning, “nice hit, fucking idiot.”

The only issue of the night was when my mother in-law called my wife, to let her know she saw her on TV, and asked her to wave. For a brief moment, we were those people. Sorry.

Next year, I’m hoping the Mets come to town, and I need to have these seats for that series. That’s right; I’ll be the guy right behind home plate with the hat of the visiting team.

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