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June 06, 2008

From the Hirp

This morning I signed on to AOL (sorry, but I helped fund that company and I won’t leave now) and there was a story about a hit and run in Hartford, Connecticut. There’s video of the bizarre and barbaric incident below, and you have to watch it. I’m not going to be like every other blogger today who heard about it, and rant about how far gone society is, to allow something like this to happen. Just watch the clip.


This weekend I’m helping my folks with a garage sale, a long over-due garage sale at that. We’re hoping to sell the couch from my days as a bachelor, as well as some two coffee tables and an end table. The small stuff would be great to move, but mainly I just don’t want to have to move the heavy shit again. So that’ll be my Saturday morning and afternoon. Sunday, the plan is to just hang around the pool and do a whole lot of nothing. It’s been a while since we had a weekend of nothing. You forget how great those weekends can be.

“Well, um, actually a pretty nice little Saturday, we're going to go to Home Depot. Yeah, buy some wall paper, maybe get some flooring, stuff like that. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time.”


And take a minute to say “hi” to Riley. We had talked about getting a dog for a while, just after we moved into a house. At one point we had decided to get two dogs, and name them “Frank” and “Dean.” But that idea was scratched, when it was decided that a female dog made more sense. So for fun, we kicked around names, and kept coming back to “Brooklyn.” A name we both loved, even though as my cousin pointed out, I am not from Brooklyn. Sorry cuz, I can’t name her Long Island. But I think we’re sticking with Riley, there’s just too much guilt in changing her name now.

1 comment:

Adri Cowan said...

holy crap, that video gave me the chills, and it's like 100 degrees in here.

in other news: hi riley!!