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June 23, 2008


On the way into work today, I was again listening to the radio (not Mike & Mike, that wasn’t on and I am investigating) anyway, the story they told was of a few false HIV positive tests in New York. It seems that about 200 people were wrongly informed that they tested positive for HIV. Holy fuck nuts! I can’t even imagine. First, how would I react? Other than poorly, I really have no idea. Then you have to wonder how many of those 200 started informing their former and current partners, and they may have informed some of their partners. This is like the sickest game of “telephone” ever. And then it ends with “Oh, oops, our bad. Um, sorry, but look on the bright side, you don’t have HIV.” I’d quit before having to make that call. I’m not sure which job is worse, making the call to tell someone they have a life threatening disease, or the call to apologize for getting it wrong.


Let the day dreaming begin. My buddy Mike just announced a date and location for his upcoming wedding, and Coco and I will be headed to St. Thomas next May. Needless to say, we’re thrilled. We could really get used to this whole jet setting thing. Now I just have to hope that we some how see gas prices plummet, so we can afford this thing.

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