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June 16, 2008

Happy Hirp Hard On

Flipping through the channels this weekend, I came across the Christian Slater classic, Pump Up the Volume. This movie is ripe for a re-make. The angst ridden 90’s teen had to use a pirate radio station to get his voice heard, and turn his community on their ear. Today, that could easily be an angst ridden teen that uses either a blog or Podcast, to do the same. All the greatest themes have been used up, and turned into theme parks.


Now that we have a dog, we’ve become avid watchers of “The Dog Whisper,” great show. So great, that I’ve decided to make my own, “The Wife Whisper.” Instead of “siss’ing” (best way I could describe the sound Cesar makes) and poking wives in the ribs (I can’t see that going well for any husband) I believe in a soft tap on the nose, to redirect her behavior. Of course, this would inevitably, lead to “The Husband Whisperer” and I fear it would be a flick to a testy, to redirect a husband who lacks discipline. In the end, we’d all be better off if these just ended up as skits on an SNL-like show. Just not SNL, please, I’m begging you. This is funny enough, that people should actually see it.


Tonight marks the return of “Weeds.” ‘Bout damn time too, I can’t wait. Although I wasn’t very happy with how last year went, I have high hopes that they’ll right the ship. Albert Brooks joins the show as her father-in law, who helps her break the law. After “Weeds” Showtime will debut their newest show, “Secret Diary of a Call Girl” Which has been unavoidable, and highly anticipated since “the Sopranos.” Really, when we saw how well received a sociopathic mobster was, every guy started to dream of the day we’d see the every day life of a call girl. Wonder how many episodes we have to wait till we get the Eliot Spitzer-inspired show.

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