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December 19, 2008

Jst Kydding

I wonder, when the Kyd’s teacher gives the class something and tells them to take it home to “mom and dad,” does she think about correcting him? G isn’t her “dad” but maybe she just doesn’t want to bring attention to that fact. I’m sure there are other kids in the same boat, probably close to 50%. But I really don’t ever worry all that much about any of those kids.

Does she know who Santa and the Tooth Fairy really are, and just play along for our sake?

Why does she behave all night, and then suddenly become bi-polar at bedtime?

Last night she picked out a movie, Soccer Mom from Red Box, and it wasn’t awful. But thank Joe Pesci (see George Carlin, for why I’m thanking Joe over God) that she didn’t pick up on all the adult jokes. We have a soccer star who is also supposed to be some hunk, played by the greatness that is Dan Cortesse, and a girls soccer team that expects him to be their coach. Only it ends up being the Soccer Mom in disguise. Anyway, there’s reference to hotel room hook-ups, French maids uniforms, and naughty mother’s who need punishment. The writer was one more Red Bull away from writing a Cinemax flick.

In my life time I’ve seen the following technological advances as part of my every day life:
Color TV > Cable TV > Dish > Digital cable > HD
Cassette > CD > Digital music
Boom box > Walkman > iPod
Beta > VCR > Laser Disc > DVD > DVR/TiVo > BluRay
Rotary phone > Push button phone > Cordless phone > Cell phone in a bag > Smart phone
Big screen TVs > Bigger and flatter TVs
Atari > Nintendo > Genesis > PlayStation > xBox360 > Wii
Home computer > Laptop > Pocket PCs
Dial up > Broadband > Wireless

So what will the world look like in 25 years, when the Kyd is the same age as I am now?

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