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June 22, 2009

From The Hirp

I was never much of a Joe Montana fan; I always supported the Dan Marino party in the race for the “Best Quarterback Ever.” And Joe went to Notre Dame, which I only like when I watch Rudy. So, that being said, I was just reading a story about Montana’s son, Nick, a blue chip football recruit in his own right. But Joe and his wife, Jennifer, wouldn’t go on the record in the article because they didn’t want it to appear as if they were focusing more on one of their children than the others. That’s fantastic parenting, and just damn cool.

That brings me to this gem of a story from our weekend. Saturday we went to a wedding, and seated across the aisle from us was a young mother. Everyone knows black hooker boots have their place, but when a seven year old leans over and says, “Mommy, that is NOT appropriate for a wedding,” well, then you know that just maybe, someone has made a bad judgment call.

Niccolo Machiavelli posed the question: “Is it better to be loved, or feared?” If you want the answer, ask a parent.

What was more predictable, the Brett Farve wants to play again story, or the voting scandal in Iran? I’m saying it was a push.

I’ve seen the headlines; Tom and Kate have some big announcement tonight. It should either be “Kate’s a biatch” (I only know this thanks to “The Soup” on E) or “Obama supports taxing our viewers twice as much as everyone else.”

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