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June 11, 2009

Hirp History X

Last night we had dinner at my in-laws, and while we were eating I brought up what had happened at the Holocaust Museum earlier in the day. Incase you haven't heard, an 88 year old (sorry excuse for a) man entered the museum in Washington D.C and opened fire, killing a guard, and getting wounded by guards who returned fire. This isn't CNN, so I'm not going to retell the whole story, just relay my story.
The Kyd hears us go over pretty much the same details I just mentioned, and we tell her, that he's racist against Blacks and Jews, and that's why (how weak is that?!) he did what he did. She's 7, mature for her age, but still just 7. So her reaction, as pure and beautiful as it really was, also really bothered me. There was complete and utter shock in her face. Immediately she looked at me, we could see her making the connection in her head, "G is Jewish, and this happened because someone doesn't like Jews. Can this happen to G?"
A scene from the much underrated and very re-watchable movie, The Kingdom, immediately played in my head. Jamie Foxx, who plays an FBI agent that investigates terrorism, is trying to tell his son, who is about the same age as my step-daughter, that something very bad happened, and dad needs to go to work. His son looks at his dad and says, "there's a lot of bad people out there, huh?"
Foxx replies, "yes, but you're not one of them."
Syd, there are a lot of bad people out there, but you aren't one of them, never one of them. I've thought a lot about that brief conversation, her reaction, and just the pointless violence that took place in Washington DC yesterday. Then last night, as we took our usual p laces on the couch for some channel surfing, or as the wife likes to call it "why did you change from HGTV?" And we found a special on, I think National Geographic, called "American Nazi's." So we had to watch that for a bit, and DVR it for a future viewing.
These people scare the crap out of me. We found the show when they were giving the details of a 1999 shooting at a Jewish Community and day care center. Frankly, I had almost completely forgotten about it, which makes me feel guilty. The irony is rich. At one point, they interviewed some "leader" of another Neo-Nazi organization, and he called the incident a failure. Why? Because the gunmen fired off 70 shots, and it's supposed to be 1 shot, 1 kill, and this gunmen didn't kill anyone in the center (but did kill a postman as he fled, for the simple offense of being a person of color working for the Government).
I swear, I thought I heard banjo's playing in the background as this guy with the serial killer glasses and Grizzly Adams beard spewed his20bullshit. But something occurred to me on the way to work, perhaps a little sick and twisted, but that's just how I roll. These freaks believe whites are the "master race." But if my people are in such control of all that goes on in the world, that we control the media, the courts, and all the money, doesn't that mean that Jews are actually the "master race?" I mean, just by default. Their hero, Hitler, killed six million of us, yet we're still so powerful, really? According to, Jews account for a whopping 1.78% of the American population. There are more WNBA fans in America than there are Jews in America. So if we do have all the power the morons think we have, they should just admit who the master race really is. Boo-yaa and Shalom byatches.
Seriously though, what makes them hate so much? I get it, times are rough, and we all want to point the finger at someone else. Maybe it's easy to blame 1.78% of the population for the fact that you had to take your sister to prom. I guess it doesn't really matter, because these people are friggin' dangerous. Their ideas are even more dangero us than the violent acts they commit. They want to spread weakness and hate, and if it were up to them, 7 year olds would (and I'm sure their kids already) think like them.
Seven year olds are smarter than us. When the Kyd tells us she doesn't like someone, her reason is almost always the same. "They're mean." It's that simple, and it should still be so easy. I've seen her play with boys, girls, handicapped, Black, Mexican, older and younger kids. And all she wants is kids who are nice. If someone isn't nice, that's the extent of it. She doesn't need to find a reason and place blame. It isn't because of their race or religion, they just aren't nice. Why can't we be as mature as 2nd graders?
I don't know if it's more hypocritical or just nonsensical that they admire Adolf Hitler so much. I mean, do they not realize that as such "patriots" they're following someone who killed Americans!? Who disagreed with everything our country stands for? How is sidi ng with your enemy a patriotic act? The show we watched had the standard clips of some Derek Vinyard type, rallying about how they don't want immigrants here and this country is for them. I just want to ask them, how the ef did your family end up here?
There's really nothing wrong with having some pride in your people. Jews do it all the time, and proudly spend their money at Jewish owned businesses, but doesn't pride come before the fall? Or that must be some Jew pulling on a trip cord. It's pretty obvious, but these neo-Nazi's aren't happy and well adjusted citizens. And for that matter, neither are most Jews (or anyone else). But to actually want your kids to hate, that's their biggest sin, and most indefensible. Hate me because I had more opportunities in my life, or because I have a nicer TV than you, because I went to KU or voted for Obama and you disagree with my religious views. But for the love of whatever you actually care about, don't teach your kids to hate, asshole.  
Sydney, there are a lot of bad people in this world. You're not one of them, never one of them.

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Lenise said...
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