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June 30, 2009

Hirp to Fix Sports

I like to think I’m a pretty smart fella, although I like to prove myself wrong, on this front, from time to time. So I’m going to take a crack at fixing sports, when attendance records tell us there’s nothing to fix. Don’t fix it if it ain’t broken? Well sometimes that’s the best time to fix it.

*disclaimer, I know that none of this is realistic. Well, until the shit hits the fan.

This is for the NBA, NFL and MLB, as I don’t follow Canadian sports, nor do I consider four left turns a sport. I made four left turns on the way to work, that doesn’t make me an athlete.

1st- Contraction, really, I mean it. In the 90’s it became hip to expand, the NBA saw Charlotte Hornets, Orlando Magic, Miami Heat, Minnesota Timberwolves, Memphis Grizzlies, Toronto Raptors and then we got the Charlotte Bobcats in 2005 after the Hornets moved to New Orleans. MLB gave us the Arizona Diamondbacks, Colorado Rockies, Tampa Rays, and Florida Marlins. The NFL has opened up shop with the Cleveland Browns (Browns moved to Baltimore, but their records stayed in Cleveland) Carolina Panthers, Jacksonville Jaguars, and in 2002 we got the Houston Texans (because in ’96 they lost the Oilers to Tennessee). That’s 14 new franchises in 3 sports in less than 20 years.

What’s my beef with giving more fans the opportunity to have a home team to support? Well, a watered down product for starters. Between the three leagues, there are now an additional 384 roster spots since expansion began in the 90’s. I can’t, not for a second, believe that the day before expansion started that there were in excess of 300 athletes who were good enough to make it.

That’s a post of it’s own, for another day, but if we just take the leagues back to how many teams we had in 1990, those teams would be exponentially better. Just look at the NBA, and take the players off those expansion teams and spread them throughout the league. Here’s a list of names, and I’m only listing the best players from those teams:

Chris Bosh, Andrea Bargnani, Shawn Marion, Jermanie O’Neal, Jose Calderon, Al Jefferson, Randy Foye, Kevin Love, Chris Paul, David West, Peja Stojakovic, Tyson Chandler, OJ Mayo, Rudy Gay, Dwight Howard, Rashard Lewis, Jameer Nelson, Vince Carter, Dwight Howard, Dwayne Wade, Michael Beasley, Mario Chalmers, Gerald Wallace, Emeka Okafor and Boris Diaw. That’s two All-NBA 1st teamers and six all-stars from THIS YEAR. Spread those players out among the have not’s and the haves (Knicks, Clippers, Kings, Wizards, Mavs, Spurs, Celtics, Cavs, and Lakers.) Every team gets measurably better, giving the fan a better product.

I can make a similar list for both MLB and the NFL, a brief preview: Carl Crawford, Hanley Ramirez, Justin Upton, Brandon Webb, Brad Hawpe and Evan Longoria. As for the NFL: Jamal Lewis, Andre Johnson, Maurice Jones-Drew, DeAngelo Williams, Steve Smith and Jake Delhomme.

And so does the college game. As there are less job openings, more kids stay in school, giving us both a better college game, and ensuring more players are better prepared to play in the next level.

2nd- Now that we’re down to having competitive leagues again, and every team really has a chance, it’s time to set up an organization that will oversee the officiating in all three leagues. These guys need to pass physical assessments, because its just silly to ask a 58 year old chase 25 year olds up and down a basketball court, to crouch behind a catcher in 98 degree heat or survive on the football field. They need to be held to a strict set of guidelines, and we need to have only the best out there. I also call for instant replay in all sports, but only for home run calls, buzzer beaters, and in bounds in the end zone.

3rd- I hate it, because it shouldn’t be a story. But the public is nuts about PED’s, so address it. I want an organization that tests randomly tests everyone, and if you fail a test, your contract is voided AND the team has to pay a $2 million fine.

4th- Lastly, and perhaps most important is marketing the game. In baseball, all World Series games need to start at a time where kids can see them. Bring back the Saturday afternoon game, and give us more double headers. Let’s have the season end in mid-October. In the NBA, I think having teams with more talent will naturally speed the game up, bring us back to the 80’s.

This is for all three leagues, no more television blackouts. If you can’t get your fans to the stadium, and they rather watch at home, well you’re better off having them do that than lose interest.

So that’s it, just a four step plan. Now I’ll just wait on the call from President Obama to put me in charge of this mess.

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