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June 30, 2009

Jackson Biopic?

Actors who could possibly play Michael Jackson:

Janet Jackson. She has the moves, the voice, and the look.
Crispin Clover. Weird dude, almost weird enough to play Jacko.
Zac Efron. Get the tweens to see it, gotta get that core audience ya know.
Chris Brown. He can dance, sort of sing, and as feminine as Jackson (in the 80’s)
Edward Moss. Famous Jackson impersonator has portrayed him in Scary Movie 4, “The Michael Jackson Trial” as well as a show at Lake Tahoe for four years.
CGI? Maybe George Lucas could direct.

And you know what? I guarantee this movie, if given any kind of budget at all, is nominated for at least one Oscar. Best Costume and Best Make-Up, it has to get nominated.

While I’m thinking of it, here are two other ideas that Hollywood needs to get on board with:

OJ Simpson. As if Cuba Gooding Jr isn’t holding his breath waiting for that phone call. And you could play it as a dark comedy or a drama. Paging Ari Gold…

Tupac. Right, you didn’t see that coming. But really, we have our Biggie biopic, now it’s Pac’s turn. Or someone might start thinking its an East Coast bias.

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