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September 27, 2006

Protests, Grilled Cheese and Hirp

This week I wondered, or meandered if you will, around the Plaza Art Fair with a couple of friends. Along with the, handful of people who were actually there to really pay attention to the art on display and the majority who just were enjoying near perfect weather, there was a group of protestors pounding the pavement. This didn’t really bother me, or move me. I respect what they’re doing, and most of all I was just thankful it wasn’t Fred Phelps. They made some pretty powerful visual statements, as they carried around boots on stretchers to represent soldiers who had lost their lives in the war.

I happen to be against the war myself, for the record this doesn’t mean that I do not support the troops. I couldn’t help but think that protesting really doesn’t do anything. It may have caused a few conversations among people in attendance but, I doubt it changed anyone’s mind. Nor do those protestors on Ward Parkway who want you to honk to stop the war, as if my horn is suddenly going to wake up our President, and he’ll pick up a phone and order all the troops home. And maybe the protestors know this, and accept that they aren’t going to change anything but, they still want to voice their opinions.

As I write this, I realize it’s pretty similar to what I’m doing here. I don’t really think my writing anything is going to have any lasting ripple effect. And yet, I just keep writing. Suddenly, this little epiphany has brought my point to a screeching halt. Anyway, I do have some one for protestors; don’t use kids. I don’t care if it’s anti-abortion, anti-war, or even anti-DH. Do not, under any circumstances use a child, who can’t form their own opinion as a marketing tool.

I’ll move on to something else now, since I totally lost my momentum. Yesterday I read how the heads of the Cali Cartel made a deal to forfeit $2.1 billion to the US government. I have no idea what happens with that money but, I think every last dime should go to rehab and education.

I just read some upsetting news; Nichols Luncheon on Southwest Traffic Way is closing its doors for good after 85 years. First of all, it’s just sad that after 85 years a family restaurant will no longer be open. Secondly, that’s the closest thing Kansas City has to a diner. I liked going there, always a good place to stop for a grilled cheese. It had sort of a Monks, from Seinfeld, feel to it.

After watching the second episode of Studio 60 this week, I was mentally comparing it to Entourage. Not because they are similar, only that they are my two favorite shows right now. Some how I asked myself the question “which would I rather be a part of?” And I was almost surprised by my own answer (no this conversation didn’t take place out loud) but, I’d rather be part of Studio 60, than part of Entourage. Writing, working with other funny and creative people as part of a team is more for me then partying with Vince and the guys. I’m not sure what, if anything, this says about me. I imagine it means I should get into writing.

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