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September 08, 2006

TGIDD-Thank God Its Draft Day

I guess I got my swagger back. That’s a line I’m borrowing from Mr. Shawn Carter aka Jay-Z. I’m not sure why but, driving in to work today (much like Arsenio driving in from Cleveland) I could feel a good post forming. So, without further adu, shuffle up and deal!

It’s Red Friday here in Kansas City. For those of you around the country who don’t know what that means I’ll enlighten you. Red Friday is the Friday before the first Chiefs home game of the season. Everyone is encouraged to wear red and all their Chiefs gear. There’s drinking and a big pep rally where Chiefs fans gather, some how hoping this year will be different. As a sports fan, I actually respect the whole thing. For the record, I’m wearing all blue.

For starters, I’m not a Chiefs fan so if I wore red it’d be a lie. Secondly, I’m a Giants fan. They wear blue. I am also wearing a Mets tee shirt, it’s still baseball season for me. And without fail someone will see me in blue, and let me know I stand out like a sore thumb. They’re almost right, just got the wrong finger. Aside from those reasons for wearing blue, it’s a bit of a middle finger to KC from yours truly. No offense, really but, I will not conform to your ways Kansas City. I know I left New York and the entire East Coast at a young age. My loyalty wasn’t put in a box and lost in the move.

I’m also pumped because it’s draft night. Always a good time, no matter what kind of fantasy league you’re in. Through-out middle school and high school, I was in a fantasy football league with some friends from the neighborhood. And in the ultimate act of irony, I return to the same neighborhood tonight for my draft. Sadly that old league folded after a falling out over the money. Stupid kid stuff that I think all involved regret but, what’s done is done. And this league is all guys from the poker league, so it’s almost a fore gone conclusion that there will also be some poker tonight. And there’s a Met game on ESPN tonight, the Sport Gods are loving Hirp today. Well, pre-draft, pre-flop and pre-game they are. Fickle bunch the Sport Gods.

Right now I’m in second place in my fantasy baseball league, and the playoffs just began this week. I had a bye, and next week I should be going up against my old friend Bum. The winner of that will probably face our buddy Mike V in the Championship. What’s cool about this fact is, they are the only two guys in the league I know. Most of the guys are friends of Mikes from North Carolina; good guys from what I can tell but, going up against your friends makes any league that much better. Oh, and the trash talking that goes on, it just makes you happy you have testicles and can enjoy a league like this. Ladies, I suggest you go find the Sports Guy column on his fantasy-celeb-gossip-league suggestion. In the baseball league, aptly named the Balls-n-Sacs league, winner takes home $340 and second place claims $160. This will be determined a week before my trip to Vegas, so I have extra incentive to win.

Vegas, baby. Another Vegas update. As if I wasn’t excited enough about this trip, Bum has joined the trip and we’ve decided to go ahead and stay at New York New York. After mulling over 329 hotels and 8,154 different variables, we settled on the hotel we first talked about some months ago when we began talking about this trip. Needless to say, I am ecstatic about this turn of events.

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