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September 15, 2006

Wedding Crashirping

This weekend I’m attending a friends wedding, and after talking to him last night the updated polls show that 88% of all married couples feel running off to Vegas to get married is the way to go. Okay, that isn’t really a poll I conducted but, I’m telling you that just about every couple I know has said as much. I didn’t actually do any math. Now the odds saying I probably won’t get married, it’s true they actually have this as something you can bet on in Vegas, and I’m not even sure I want to. And I know posting this will get at least one friend (porqchop) to start with the gay jokes but, that doesn’t scare me.

Every time I see a friend going through what appears to be the most fun experience on earth, that of planning a wedding, I always end up thinking about my own. Not the girly details, that stuff I really could care less about. Really, the one aspect I get hung up on is the whole groomsmen situation. Seems like an impossible chore to me, to pick a best man as well as picking the rest of the party. Who goes in what spot, why this guy over that guy, would so and so even want to be in are just a few of the questions I end up asking myself.

For the record, I know it's stupid to give any thought to any of this but, being smart isn't what I'm known for. If I were to get married, she'd be making all decisons for me from that day on, and well to get married I'd probably need to have a girlfriend first. And to get a girlfriend, I'd probably have to meet some single women or go the mail order route. I over analyze sometimes, it’s true. Now some seem pretty easy, like the one this weekend. All the guys are pretty much college buddies, and the brother of the groom. But my friends aren’t really friends with each other. It’s not as if there are lines drawn or anything, mostly they just don’t know each other. So, it wouldn’t really just be any kind of reunion with a lot of reminiscing going on. Most have met each other at one time or another but, I wouldn’t even suspect they could remember each others names.

I think with a group that knows each other well, it would be easier to assign who goes where. They probably already know if say you are closer with someone else or what have you. Then there are friends that I just assume wouldn’t really want to be in a wedding party, just not their cup of coffee.

See, that’s it. I know it’s a complete waste of time to even give a second thought to, let alone an entire post. But if you were interested in time management, you wouldn’t be reading a blog anyway. Well, time to go and start getting myself all worked up about how to handle whatever the hell they are serving at this shindig tomorrow.

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