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January 31, 2007

FOXn Idiots

I don’t know if you’ve seen or heard about this, but it looks like we may have a new Bad Boy Records-Death Row Records-like beef. With one twist, rather than a beef between two record companies, this time it looks to be between two “news” organizations. Recently Fox News ran an ad that took a shot at Anderson Cooper. You can watch the clip here.

There, did you watch? Would Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw ever be involved in something like this? What I love was the crack about the “publicity” that Anderson Cooper gets. C’mon! Here you are, giving the guy publicity for crying out loud! That’s just one example of what makes those at Fox News a bunch of morons. The other is the crack about Cooper not being a real journalist and losing to a girl. Well, let’s look at that alleged “girl,” Greta Van Susteren. This opportunistic piece of plastic-Scientologist crap isn’t a journalist at all. She has a law degree, and because she was easy on the eyes she was given a chance to get on the air during the William Kennedy Smith trial. Later she popped up on of all places, CNN, to help cover the OJ case.

It really reminds me of a rap beef, Fox News bragging about ratings like rappers brag about record sales. Let me set the record straight here, making more money than someone else doesn’t make you better. Being more popular, doesn’t make you smarter. And saying completely assanign crap doesn’t make you edgy. If Fox News was comfortable with their place in the market, would they really feel the need to take a shot at someone?

And who the hell does Fox think they are? They must have a short memory; they seem to have forgotten what made them. When the Fox Channel first made its splash, it was with “Married with Children” and “The Simpson’s.” Two shows that thoroughly pissed off the religious right for their lack of family values. Isn’t it ironic, don’t ya think? And now they air “American Idol,” which has a done more to dumb down America than President Beavis or Vice President Butthead.

The truth is that this is all just a crappy marketing campaign. A campaign that happens lacks class, originality, a point and anything that could resemble intelligence. Fox News is pimping out their little “journalist” to take shots at actual journalists. So Greta has to keep her raitings high, cuz bitch betta have Rupert “Suge Knight” Murdoch’s money. The only good that can come from all this, is if Bill O’Reilly gets taken out in a drive-by in Vegas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"That Dyke can play"
Gretta is not easy on the eyes, well maybe if they are closed.

I like the fact that they say beat by a "girl". Is this the 50's. They sound like kids on a play ground when a boy gets knocked out of dodgeball by a girl. They should of started chanting. "You got beat by a giirrrl"
Maybe they have just watched Anchorman one to many times.
"I am not a baby, I am a man. I built the Eiffle Tower out of brawn and steel. You are just a woman with the third the size of brain as me....It's science."
Journalism is dead