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January 03, 2007

New Years Eve

I’ve never really been a huge fan of New Years Even, in fact I’ve never really been a big fan of any holiday that just gives people an excuse to go get shit faced. Really, if you want to go get drunk with some friends then just do it. I don’t think you should have to wait for the calendar to tell you when. Plus the whole fact that bars just get ridiculously crowded, just kind of takes away the fun. Normally I spend New Years Eve just hanging out at a friends house. This year was a bit different as I went out with a pretty large group. We did it right too. To avoid the whole threat of either getting a DUI or ending up dead we decided to get a limo for the night. With 14 people, it’s actually cheaper then getting 14 cabs. And hey, you can start drinking right away and that’s a plus.

So we hit some bars downtown, starting with the Cashew. I had never been there before, and it was pretty much perfect. Good size crowd, but not so crowded that you couldn’t move or get near the bar. And yep, plenty of eye candy which is a necessity. From there we went to the Cigar Box, and my buddy tried to get me to smoke a cigar. But really, I’ve made it 30 years without smoking anything, why would I want to start now?

But this was the highlight of the night. See, some of these friends of mine happen to be pranksters. The women like to wear horrible wigs and go out and just mess with people on occasion. And this night, we were situated near the front door, when they realized there was no one checking ID’s of customers coming in. So of course they decided they would provide this service. And it didn’t matter who was coming in, could be a guy with a cane and more wrinkles than Bea Arthur, they were checking that ID. So I made the suggestion of charging a cover, totally kidding of course. Well, we made $20 before deciding that probably wasn’t a good idea. Mainly because I figured it put my good health on the line. No one was gonna get too upset with two cute drunk blondes, but one short bald guy making money off random drunks could easily find himself in trouble. Still, I’m kinda kicking myself because I know we could have paid for the whole night if we kept it up.

So that was my New Years Eve. No resolutions that I won’t keep or stories that involve me streaking down 48th. The one thing that baffles me is how the hell is it already 2007? Are the years going by faster simply because I’m older, or is this also the work of global warming? Someone needs to fund a research team to look into this. Otherwise, why are we paying taxes?

1 comment:

Kat said...

Ok I am into Conspiracy theories, I will go with the global warming theory...yeah right, anyway, Glad you got to ring in the New Year in style, hope you have a good 2007..