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January 08, 2007

Super Size This

“Haven’t you seen Super Size Me?” is quickly becoming my least favorite some what regularly heard question. Two years ago, when it first came out, it was somewhat common to have people ask me that question when they saw how often I ate at McDonalds. I didn’t run out and see it then, and I still haven’t seen it in its entirety. And now it’s making the rounds on television, and luckily for me people are actually watching it.

Now it’s probably only happened like three, maybe four times in the past couple of weeks, but it feels like a daily occurrence that I’ve been asked that very question when I was on my way to lunch. And last night “Super Size Me” was on one of my many movie channels, so I thought I’d try and watch it. I really tried, but I couldn’t get through it. The aroma of bullshit was about as over powering as McDonalds fries.

First, I dare that guy to over eat food from any one restaurant over a 30 day period, and see how he feels. Seriously, over doing anything is going to be un-healthy for you. Secondly, as far as my McDonalds habit well, I don’t super size my meals. In fact I only eat one double cheese burger and a medium fry. He gained like 5 pounds in one week of his diet, I’ve gained 10 pounds in the last 13 years. I’m not claiming that eating McDonalds on an almost daily basis has lead me to becoming a picture of perfect health, but I’ve done more than 30 days of research.

Thirdly, and I’m not sure how many points I’m going to make just yet, most of those people who have asked the question of late need to just shut it. Out of the four I remember, three have SUVs. They’ve also seen “An Inconvenient Truth” and continue to drive around in their gas guzzling pieces of shit. So you mean to tell me, a movie about one idiots eating habits over a 30 day period should change my life, but a movie that shows the effects your automobile has on the entire world isn’t worth a selling your car? Bite me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...