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January 08, 2007

The Next Big Star

When it comes to movies, the line between creativity and commercialism has always been blurred. And in recent years the line has been pretty much erased. Or as Joey would say, “the line is a dot to you.” There are the slick scenes in which a product is placed (cleverly called product placement) such as a cell phone and attention brought to the brand name, all the way to movies being used to reveal new cars. The majority of movies are now made successful or flop, based mostly on the marketing before it even hits the theatre. Studios can intentionally make horrible movies, market them as complete jokes and make a fortune as they did with “Snakes on a Plane.”

Well, I have the idea of the future. I have thought of the perfect blend between a commercial and a movie. It would both entertain the hell out of, well at least me, there would be a video game to follow, perhaps a theme park, toys and it could easily be a franchise. All this comes from one of my favorite commercial characters. Who doesn’t love the Gecco from the Geico ads?

I swear that little green fella would kill at the box office. Now, I see him sort of as an Austin Powers type hero, but you could go so many different ways with it. There was a time that the “spoof” was usually a riot. “Airplane,” “Naked Gun,” “Hot Shots,” even the first “Scary Movie” were all hysterical. And they’ve given way to crap like “Epic Movie” and everything else the Wayans Brothers put out. But with the Gecco, you can take your favorite movie, and just insert your new leading man in place of the likes of Mel Gibson or Tom Hanks. It would be just that easy to make “Cast Away” the funniest movie of the year.

Normally watching an hour and a half long commercial would lead me to gouging out my own eyes and lighting myself on fire, but I’d watch that Gecco if he were doing the play-by-play for C-SPAN. Maybe he shouldn’t have his own movie; he could just as well be the next sitcom star. I’m telling you it would work.



Porqchop said...

You're calling Snake On A Plane a horrible film? Shame on you!

Kat said...

Yes that little green fellow is cute...but well kinda fond of the whole "caveman" angle they are taking...humm guess men have not really evolved much
**oh and the addition of the music is cool, but well too much stimulus, can't comprehend with all that stimulation going on...dang ADD