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April 03, 2007


So last night I was talking to a friend about KU hoops, and this friend blames herself for KU losing. She feels she jinxed them. Now this is the same friend I’ve argued about signs and destiny with, this is actually relevant here. I, of course, don’t believe in jinxing. Even though I joke about it with friends before poker games, as we try to jinx or reverse-jinx each other. But the truth is, I think the whole theory is complete bullshit. Really, is there anything more egocentric? To think there’s something about us that actually impacts events, well that’s putting just a little too much value in what we do.

For starters, there are over 300 teams in NCAA Division I basketball. Each team has a fan base, and there’s millions upon millions of fans out there. Did each team just have one jinx? What causes someone to be jinxed? Is it “karma”? Well, you know what I think about karma. Florida has fans just like everyone else, karma is not why they just won back to back titles and a football title. The answer is probably money. Is there luck involved? Yes, sure. Luck is completely random, taking advantage of an opportunity requires a choice, dedication and execution.

As fans we have nothing to do with any of that. Even though it can feel like it sometime, and that’s what makes us fans. But the truth is our lives have zero impact on the games we watch and teams we cheer for. To think there’s something about us that causes our teams to lose is ludicrous, because thinking that also means a team wins because of someone else.

We may feel jinxed, when our teams lose or we have a bad run of luck. But I believe luck is completely random, but we can impact our luck by our choices. My friend said, “of course you don’t believe in jinxing, you don’t believe in anything.” It’s not as harsh as it sounds, and it’s true. I don’t believe there’s a plan or reason for everything that happens. I don’t believe good things happen to good people, and bad things happen to bad people. I don’t believe what goes around comes around. I believe, that on some level, there’s always someone responsible for an action. And we’re responsible for our reactions.

I understand the psychology, that our environment and experiences impact our decisions and actions. So on that level, we aren’t totally responsible. If someone is raised around poverty and violence, that increases the chances of them continuing similar behavior. But it wasn’t a plan, or some jinx that caused the bad luck. With time and effort, you can trace it back and find specific causes.

It’s ironic, a guy who pretty much dislikes people in general, believes in people above anything else. Not necessarily that we’re all good, or bad for that matter, but that we’re the responsible for everything. Things happen, but it’s how we handle it that determines the outcome. No plans, divine intervention, jinxing or fate. Just choices.

1 comment:

Porqchop said...

"Reverse jinx"... what's that?