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April 09, 2007

Thank HBO For Sundays

Sunday nights are usually pretty worthless, even evil sometimes. Monday just lurks, casting a shadow that makes it nearly impossible to really just relax. Then the shows hit, which make Sundays from 8pm to 10pm the best two hours of the week. Which does more to confuse me than books without pictures, I’m not supposed to look forward to Sundays. And right after the credits role on Entourage, its back to being everything I despise about Sundays. Now before you read this, if you watch either “The Sopranos” or “Entourage,” and haven’t yet seen them yet, you’re going to want to stop reading now.

Last night my old friends came back. Seeing “The Sopranos” come back, was really like seeing family I haven’t seen in a while. And it was just as good to see them, a fantastic episode. A&E has been showing the series from the start, and I’ve caught a couple episodes, which made me realize how much better the show used to be. That’s not meant as a slam at the last few seasons; even at its “worst” it was still better than 99.8% of other shows. They just set the bar that high. Last night it reached those heights again, and I’m confident the show will end and leave us wanting more, but still satisfy every fan. And I could see the show ending any number of ways, and not being let down. Prison, dirt nap or a nice spot in Sicily are all equally possible and attractive endings for T.

I followed Sopranos, and my moms’ spaghetti which is to die for, with a trip to my friends house to catch up with my buddies in LA, Vinnie Chase, Turtle, E, Drama and everyone’s favorite asshole Ari. Last year ended with Vince firing Ari, in a cliff hanger ending that would make David Chase proud. This year picked up with a new agent, who seems perfect, too good to be true even, a big birthday and a couple of friends trying to mend a friendship like a couple of love sick teenagers, if only they weren’t both heterosexual men. The homosexual undertones, that just about every show on TV tries to tackle, have only been written this well on “Seinfeld” and “Friends.” This was up there with the classic “Seinfeld,” “not that there’s anything wrong with that” episode, yet more realistic.

As for my expectations for the rest of the season, I have no doubt Vince will return to Ari. But I know it’ll take the majority of the year, and I’m not at all disappointed by knowing this or that this twist ever took place. Some shows try something, and you just think, “Wow, t hat’s a mistake.” I have all the confidence in these writers and this show, and that they will make it work.

The new agent, Amanda, is played by Carla Gugino, who was the title role in the failed Out of Sight spin off, “Karen Sisco” and also had roles in Sin City and Night at the Museum. And she brings something new to the table, a smart, business savvy woman who can trade barbs with Ari, but play mother hen to the fellas. Looking forward to seeing more of her character, and I really didn’t think that was possible. It’s really like seeing a friend who broke up with the girlfriend everyone thought was a blast, expecting the next to be a total buzz kill, and realizing she’s actually pretty damn cool. Okay, I really take my television viewing seriously. But if I didn’t, what would I post about and why would you read this? Now, don’t thank me, we’ll keep it this cool, un-said thing just between us.

Oh, and the product placement at the birthday party was pure genius. To make a joke out of product placement, while placing products, all the while staying true to the show? Genius, just genius.

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