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April 25, 2007


I just threw up in my mouth. All Sunday night I was sick with some 24 hour bug or something, but I just read something that made me sicker than I’ve ever been. A 27 year-old man was convicted of raping AND impregnating a 9 year old girl. He admitted to raping her once or twice a week for a year. For this he got 25 years in prison. It doesn’t really matter what he got, they couldn’t ever give him enough time or punish him enough to even come close to smelling justice, let alone serving it. Oh and of course he apologized to the victim and her family, he said he wishes he could take it back. Fuck him. That girl and, to a lesser extent, everyone she knows are forever changed.

You could build a new prison, on top of him with just his ass sticking up out of the cement, and let every inmate take turns on his worthless ass and that still wouldn’t come close to being punishment enough. They could sit him in a room with the Gimp from Pulp Fiction, and that would be like a vacation compared to what he deserves. Usually I’d say let the girls father or uncles spend an eternity with that guy and any tools of torture you can think of, but that also wouldn’t be enough. If he were truly sorry, even just a little bit for what he did, he would kill himself in his cell, only to be brought back so he can do it again. And repeat the process for the next 25 years. That’s IF he’s even a little bit sorry. And I am a bleeding heart liberal, but he’s so far crossed the line that it’s a dot to him. They should parole whoever kills him in prison, hell name the prison after the man that does it.

I don’t know if she had to end the pregnancy or not, I imagine for her own safety that she did, but a 9 year old shouldn’t even have to spell abortion yet. Sex should be something she hears and doesn’t understand as her parents are watching primetime TV. Monsters are something she should just be finding out fake, not finding out first hand that they’re real, and scarier than in her worst nightmare.

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