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April 04, 2007

Short Post

Not the best start to a day for me. It’s friggin’ cold out, I don’t like the cold. I left my earphones in the car, and the only backup pair in my desk is screwed up. The right side doesn’t work. So I can easily block out everyone that sits to the left, but none of the morons on my right. Yes, I am feeling lazy enough today that I may not go get my earphones. Also, I’m realizing more and more that I wish I hadn’t put off getting my taxes done. I’m sure any place I go is going to be pretty packed now, and I don’t do waiting real well.

I don’t watch Idol, I think I’ve made that pretty clear in the past. So last night I had House DVR’d and went to start it up, unfortunately it started recording early, and I got the last few minutes of Idol. Had a few questions pop up. First, do these people just quit their jobs to be on the show? Are they paid the entire time they are on? Also, how come it seems anytime there’s a black woman on the show, she happens to be the overweight woman with a huge voice, but the white women always seem to be skinny and showing a lot of skin? Is it the producers that are trying to re-enforce racial stereotypes, is it the voters, or are all these stereotypes true? Hmmm. That could be an interesting study.

American Stereotype Idol. Really, look at Ruben, the big jolly guy. Taylor, the white guy who can’t dance. Simon, the stuck up Brit. Wasn’t there something about that Fantasia girl, like she couldn’t read or something? Randy has to call everyone “dawg.” And if Seacrest flamed any more, they’d have to call the fire department. I might have to take some time to look into this one day, if only I can do it without watching the damn show.

1 comment:

Kat said...

WoW I thought that you were going to make it all the way through season sux with out commenting on Idol. LoL.

Ok I can answer a few of your questions, yeah I am admitting that I know trivial Idol information. Don't hate me!
So, no they do not get paid while on the show but they do get the following: $500 per week once they make top ten for clothes, also a free furnished apartment, and stipend for food, and a stylist.

They don't get a paycheck, until the tour begins, then depending on where they ranked in the top ten they are paid a flat rate per concert. For example Taylor Hicks came in first place so he netted $10,000 per show, not bad considering they played close to 60 gigs in the summer tour.

So the longer you stay the better off you are and well you get a sweet tour bus too.