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June 29, 2007

Paris and Hoops

So I had this little debate with myself, would I or wouldn’t I say anything about Paris Hilton. I really didn’t want to, because at this point it’s all been said. I don’t have any unique observations and to be honest I really don’t give a shit. But it is entertaining to a point and the story is everywhere. So last night I found myself watching, not the interview itself, but a recap of the interview. There was a special on Headline News in which a panel of “experts” broke down her interview with Larry King like a group of commentators on ESPN.

This has to be a first. The OJ case launched the television careers of just about everyone on Fox News, because every night for a year they broke down every little detail about a murder trial involving one of the biggest names in sports history. So as much of a crock of shit that whole thing was, at least they were dealing with a crime that had victims and shed some light on the legal process. Last night journalism hit a new low. The OJ case did to journalism what the Zepplin blimp did to travel and the coverage of Paris will end up as the Titanic of journalism.

My favorite phenomena in this whole thing, has been watching the media cover their own coverage of this ridiculous story. How long till there’s a news channel that’s dedicated to nothing else but covering the media?


So my 14 year old nephew is in town, and I promised him we’d play some one on one at some point. Truth is, I’m terrified. Not only is he taller than me, something he’s proud of but in all honesty, it isn’t that much of an accomplishment, but he’s probably going to kick my ass. I really don’t know how I’ll handle it. Odds are in favor of me cheating, maybe even playing down right dirty. We’ll see. If you don’t read about it in the near future, one of three things happened:

1. My back continued to spasm, not an excuse, it’s been killing me all week.
2. It rained even more, and we decided to build an arc.
3. Or I got my ass kicked and decided I didn’t want to share the story.


Anonymous said...

Well, what happened with the hoops?

Did the 9 year old whip your ass???

Gregg said...

He's 14, and six feet tall..and we haven't played yet due to weather. I'm prepared to do my best Jason Sutherland impression though.

Porqchop said...

Jason Sutherland, Count Thugula. Haven't heard that name in a long time. So it stopped raining, what happened with the fargin' game?

Gregg said...

Hasn't happend yet. When it does, I'll let you know the outcome. But remember, 2nd place isnt worse than first.