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September 12, 2007

Lost Night

I don’t know what the deal is. First, a few months ago, I lost my favorite pair of sunglasses. Happens to everyone, I know this, but I had those bad boys for a solid five year run. It’s one thing to lose them after six months, you almost expect that. But once you make it over two years, you start thinking you’ll have them till you toss ‘em. Then I went to Dallas, and now I no longer have them. And then I some how miss place a coin I kept from my stay at Mandalay Bay. It wasn’t worth much, just a dollar in fact. And even though I won the last poker tournament in which I used it as a card guard, it wasn’t really good luck. But it grew legs and disappeared. And last night I lost both some cash and a money clip I’ve had for four years. The clip actually has some sentimental value, as I got it for being in a friends wedding. It also had some financial value, as it’s from Tiffany and Co., which makes it something I’d probably never buy myself.

I’m pretty sure it jumped out of my pocket while I was in Target last night picking up the new Kanye West CD. Damn you Kanye, you owe me! I’ll call later on and see if anyone turned it in, with the hopes that they just kept the cash and felt bad about someone losing such a nice money clip. I think that’s what they call, “a long shot.” I looked in my car, under the seat, between the seat and console, in the storage compartment on my door, back under my seat. All I found was 60 cents, some gum wrappers, and a few fries. Now I keep going back and forth in my head, kicking myself for losing the clip and then kicking myself for losing the cash. Oh, and let me also mention that when I tried to use my ATM card I received a message that my card had been reported lost or stolen. Not sure who reported my card lost or stolen, because I didn’t lose it and it wasn’t stolen. So that was nice.

To add insult to injury, the whole reason I was even out of the house last night was to see a movie. And it sucked, and I mean like a Hoover. Shoot ‘Em Up is one big mistake, with a bunch of smaller mistakes sprinkled on top. The fact that Clive Owen and Paul Giamatti both signed on for this piece of garbage makes me wonder if someone has video of those two in very compromising positions. Owen was great in Sin City, and tries to play the same character here, only minus anything resembling a plot and void of interesting dialogue. Pretty much void of any dialogue at all. I think they tried to make him funny, but John McClane wouldn’t say the utter crap his Mr. Smith says. Yes, his name really is Mr. Smith in this movie. We have a Mr. Smith, and he spends most of the movie being chased by an army of men, and he easily kills them all while chomping on a carrot, and occasionally uses the vegetable (it is, right?) to kill.

Okay, time for an update. I know that doesn’t make much sense since this hasn’t been posted yet, but whatever. I just called Target, and someone turned in money clip AND my money. Can you believe that? Not much surprises me, but this sure as hell does.


Porqchop said...

I stole your sunglasses. It's all part of my plan to become Hirp. Might have your Mandalay Coin as well. Had to turn the money clip in to Target after I heard your ATM card was reported stolen(thought that would be funny to call-in on your behalf, but in hindsight... it just seemed mean).

Kat said...

Don't give up hope on the sunglasses, I recently found a black pump that I blogged about losing 6 months ago...seems it was under the couch the whole how could it have possibly gotten there??? Hummm