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February 27, 2008


I just watched a video on about two 18 year old girls who were escorted off of a plane, and according to them, it was because they were pretty. One of them said they felt that “no one else on the plane looked like them.” The morons felt that they were discriminated against for “how they look.” Bitch, please. First, you’re not that cute. The fact that her friend and she had some loud, vulgar conversation about the state of the restroom probably played a role in how they were treated.

These two idiots gave CNN photos of them in various revealing outfits, so I’m sure they’re intentions are sincere. Yeah, and their hair color is natural too. I’m sure there’s a lawsuit to coming in the near future, and I’m hoping they can get a legal ruling that “you aren’t that cute, and you’re a bitch.” That’d be some justice. I know they are just trying to stand up for the beautiful people everywhere who have faced discrimination for years, and the blacks think they have it hard.

As a matter of fact, bratty teenagers haven’t had it hard enough. Here are some new laws I’d like passed, regarding those horrible thing we call teenagers:

• There should be laws to regulate how much squealing can be done in IHOP, I shouldn’t be able to hear you if I’m not at your table.
• Those shits standing around before and after the movie, should only be allowed to so if they’ll wash my car.
• Writing anything on your windshield should be a felony.
• Starbucks should start adding alcohol to all of their drinks, just to prevent anyone under the age of 21 from entering.
• Adding rhinestones to a cell phone should be diagnosed as another form of retardation.
• Growing facial hair prior to graduation should result in a daily swift kick to the nuts.
• Minimum wage, that’s all you get. Provide poor customer service and that customer can fire you on the spot. Just because you live in a rich suburb, doesn’t mean you should make more money flipping burgers than someone who is doing so in a different town, and needs to feed their family.
• Don’t speak unless spoken to, maybe you should just not speak.
• Any kid violates any of these laws, and all of them are sentenced to Idaho until they’re 21.

I’d vote for Bill O’Reilly if he ran for President with this in his agenda, I shit you not.

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