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February 19, 2008


Yesterday out of boredom, I Googled my pops. What I found proved to be a bit unsettling, and no, it wasn’t images of him on some gay porn site. No, its worse, or I think so anyway. Turns out my dear old dad just passed away. And I just saw him Sunday morning, he looked fine. Oh, there’s a twist too, he’s a she. That really threw me off.

I’m not sure what to think, my father is a mother, and he/she is dead. And for twist #2, he/she replied to an email. I was always unsure about whether or not there was an afterlife, and now I know they have a high speed connection. I wonder if there’s a need for spam box in the after life.

I hope mom doesn’t bring a date to the wedding, I think it’s too soon. And I want some answers, like who is my real father. I’ve been called a bastard for years, I had no idea it was accurate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup, this family puts the "fun" in dysfunctional- Chris