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February 04, 2008


I’m not a huge NFL or football fan, there’s no getting around it, but the Giants are my team. I do admit, however, part of me wanted to see the Patriots win. Just to witness history, it’s made easier because I genuinely like that team. But it didn’t happen, and although we know who the better team is, clearly, from what I saw, the team that deserved to win last night did so.

The coolest thing to me is that today there will be kids everywhere who rush out to recess, or after they get home from school. Hit their local backyard stadium, the yard where all the games are played, and try to re-enact that Manning to Tyree pass from the 4th quarter. We’ve all grown up on Super Bowl highlight shows, but to know the split second after a play is over, that it’s going to be in every show going forward, is really pretty amazing.

The Manning family is pretty easy to dislike. Peyton seems so obsessed with winning; I can picture him jeopardizing the health of his children just to finish a crossword puzzle. He’s the southern American version of Drago from Rocky, he’s just a machine. And Eli comes off like a country bumpkin, who seems to not even realize he’s in the shadow of his bigger brother. And their father Archie has been the poster-child for psycho soccer dads everywhere. But that all went away, at least for a second, when we saw how proud Peyton was for Eli in the 4th quarter. When celebrating the success of his little brother seemed to make him happier than his own successes, that’s when we caught a glimpse of a family we all want to be a part of.

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